A Small Rest [FlowerFell!Sans x Reader]

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Very short but fluffy.


You sang out, walking around the house. Buttercup grew on top of your skin and you wore the jacket of the one you loved. You came back every time after death just for him. He only recently started remembering you and everything after each and every reset. Flowey always remembered you, but he wasn't here right now. He preferred to stay in one room, watching television. Well, after you found a way to get Nick Jr. in the underground. He liked Peppa Pig the best.

"Sans, where are you?"

You were looking for the skeleton who grew soft in your presence. That's when you found him upstairs outside of a door, leaning against it in nothing hutnhis normal shorts and a red turtleneck thensuited him very well. He looks so peaceful sitting like that.

You smile, slowly setting yourself up to slide down the door and sit down next to him. You leaned your head on his shoulder as he rested. You stare at the banister, zoning out. You snuggle agaisnt him a little bit before closing your eyes.

Sans felt something nuzzle against him. He opened one eyesocket (however that works) and saw the buttercup covered maiden resting on his shoulder with her eye shot closer and a peaceful face. Sans couldn't help but smile.

He reached over one hand and brushed the hair out of your beautiful face. He gazed at it for a moment before craning his neck to have his skull on top of your head. He weaker an arm around you before closing his eyesocket again, falling a sleep for real.

You both would have a small rest.

I told ya, short. But worth it.


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