Save Me [Dream!Sans x Reader]

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There goes SIColorsOfTheRainbow with the crazy impossible Swap requests. If you meant Punk!Dream I could do that but... swap? Isn't that just nightmare? Naj nightmare? Okay my head hurts. storytime!

Also if you had talked to Kawaiimaidtreatcafe, thank you. I kinda dedicate this chapter to them too. 

You were crying in the couch, your terrible boyfriend on the other side of it. He was Inching closer and you just cringed, keeping to yourself. Being in high school, getting drunk, almost trying your first cigarette... this isn't what you wanted. But you just couldn't get away.

"So much I happening! And mostly to me. We've come such a long way, babe!"

He stretches his arms and puts one around you. You stiffened at his touch. His touch, that's the whole reason you're in this mess. First, he accidentally touches your hand, then your butt, then touches your lips with his, and two months later he gets you drunk and touches you everywhere! This relationship is terrible, but what would you do without it? Nobody else loves you. Nobody else is there for you. No one.  

You just cry a little. Your terrinek boyfriend reaches over and wipes the tears From your face. You try not to recoil like you wanted to. You kept telling yourself you loved him. You loved him and you wanted to have this kid from a possibly abusive acoholic father. But even you weren't good enough of a liar for that to work.

"What's wrong, baby? You can't  be crampin because you got a little me growin inside ya. Are ya sick?"

He feels your forehead. He checks it and you're cool as a cucumber. You can't help a few more stray tears leaving your eyes. You hated him. You hated him for getting you drunk. You hated him for seducing you somehow. You hated him for getting you pregnant. So many negative emotions filled you, but you couldn't let it go. You couldn't let your words out either.

"Not sick, not cramps. What da hell is wrong with ya? Oh well. I'll leave you be for now. Later I want to go to the bar. I have a buddy hookin me up. Oh ho~"

Hooking him up? Drugs? You grew even more scared. You cringed harder and cried a little more, little whimpers leaving you. Your boyfriend walks into the kitchen. You buried your face in your arms, sobbing a little. You ignored the slight flash of light, mistaking it for your boyfriend lighting a cigarette after coming back in the room.

Dream had sensed a large amount of negative emotions from this human on the surface of UnderTale, the original universe. He found this poor teenager suffering on her own couch, in an apartment. She looked so pitiful. Dream had to do something before Nightmare got to her. She looked so miserable.

Dream placed his hand on her head, letting his phalanges spread and his mandable have the least pressure. He rubbed her scalp a little bit comfortingly. Her lesrned that humans found this as an affectionate gesture and it helps. He smiled weakly as she looked up into his eyesockets.

You look up and see a cute little skeleton. Does pregnancy make you see things? Well, maybe because the child was most likely a crack baby because of the dad. But can the baby be a crack baby because of the dad? Who knew. But the skeleton was, hopefully, a figment of your imagination. But apparently not because your boyfriend bellowed:

"Babe? I heard something. Someone better not be in there with you!"

You panicked and looked at the skeleton. His hand went from your head to extended out to you. With some tears streaming from your eyes squeezed shut you grabbed it in desperation. You felt arms wrap around you before everything became calm.

You opened your eyes and looked Up to see skeleton holding you protectively, like a good lover would. You have more tears run down your face. He reaches over and wipes them away.

"Don't worry, Miss. you can stay with us until we find you a better home."

You smile. You smile for the first time in a long, long time. The skeleton smiled politely a dan nicely at you. That kind of smile was one you haven't seen since your parents. Your boyfriend took you from them. But I feel you go back to them he could find you. You don't want that.


Dream nodded at the girl. She was trembling hard, as if she's experienced some very heavy emotional trauma. She was very frail and weak. He couldn't just leave her, not after that evil voice with bad intentions. He ran his hand through her hair.

"Stay. With us. Me and my friends."

He watched the girl as she leaned against his ribcage as if it was completely made solid like another human's. He heard her breathe out:

"Thank you"

Before she started evening her breathing out and falling asleep peacefully for what seemed to be the first time in forever.

Not what you expected, huh? Well, I don't like being predictable. Do you like these kind of stories with plot and everything or just fluffy things? So I know for next time.


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