Spooky Scary Skelleton... or not. [Papyrus x Reader]

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Because Paps doesn't nearly get enough love. Everyone loves Sans more so Paps is now in the spotlight.

You smiled with a black sharpie marker hidden behind your back and wearing a special outfit. Halloween on the surface is so much cooler with real life skeletons living here! 

Let's give a little backstory: you were a human who's always lived on what's the monsters call "the surface". But when they came you were one of the only one who's welcomed them with open arms. You and the few who accepted them lived in the areas other humans call "monster villages". But you call it "home."

So Halloween is coming and you got the sharpie and a smirk on your face. You knocked on the door on the house on the wooden door belonging to your favorite set of brothers. Good thing that sans opened the door.

"Oh, hey (Your name). Let me guess, here to mess with Paps?"

You nodded.

"It's a holiday today, and I plan to have some fun."

You show him the sharpie. Sans smirks. He waits for you to make the pun. Youndont take the five seconds to take advantage of the perfect pun in play so he goes ahead. 

"Well then, sharplease come In."

Sans chuckles at his own joke and you let out a loud laugh. The house was nice. Sans said it was almost identical to theirs in a place called "Snowdin" back where the monsters used to live. San should watched you race up the stairs to knock on Papyrus's door. You shighed snd shook his head. Hey, Paps was gonna be real happy. Besides he has a date with his depression at McDonalds. He left. 

Papyrus opened the door and he saw you in costume. He gasped.

"Human! What are you wearing? Is it some sort of human holiday today too? You look like me!"

That's right, a papyrus costume you had to make yourself. You showed him the sharpie and under your cape you hung a set of cat ears and a cat tail. Neko papyrus would look super cute, wouldn't you agree Reader?

"It's called Halloween and it's when we dress up and go door to door asking for candy!"

His eye sockets lit up and did the Steven Universe thing. You know, stars in eyes? UnderSwap sans does it. Just imagine that but with Paps. He gasped.

"Candy?! then what are we waiting for!?"

You showed the Sharpie.

"You to get in costume."

He was tackled to the ground in a half hug half something else. You pull out the black cat ears and tail. Papyrus gulped as you drew on whiskers. Whisker him up, human, whisker him up. He had that black spot where his nose existed so you didn't have to draw that. You slipped the cat ears on his skull and field the tail to him. And tadaaaa~

"Wow human! Look at me! Are we ready for candy?"

You just stared at him. He was a mix of adorable and hot. You hold in a nosebleed and blush and give him a thumbs up. He grins as wide as his jaw would allow his bony self to do.

"Perfect! Let's go!"

With that he grabbed your wrist and dragged you around town asking for candy. Well, "trick or treating". Papyrus didn't get the phrase until the third house. And some monsters took it literally and played a trick.


I had fun with this, I don't know about you. I'm sorry this sucked.


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