Summer Daze [UnderSwap!Sans x Reader]

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I hope you don't mind the fact I used a vocaloid song as a basis for this... I was debating to just make it yanberry but nah. Too lazy to remove photo. Request for cinnabunnum and it is STORYTIME!

August Fourteenth at twelve something noon it was a beautiful day on the surface. Monsters have been freed for the longest time and the humans have started to get used to having monsters roaming their streets.

It was summer. You were one of those humans and your best friend was one of those monsters. The magnificent sans the skeleton was your friend and you wanted more, but you were just a human compared to a magical monster so you never said a word.

"Human, are you alright?"

Huh, odd. Sans never lowers his voice unless it's soemthing important. You were just having a nostalgic moment; severe deja vu. Last night you dreamed of this exact day at this exact time. That dream didn't have the best ending..... you didn't want to think about it but you did.

Sans was holding a puppy in his arms. Why? Because it was a stray and earlier he said he wanted to show it to his younger brother, papyrus, when he went home. It was a beagle. Who doesn't love tiny little beagle puppies?

Just liked your dream, your eyes caught onto the beagle jumping out of Sans's arms. Sans was about to lunge after it. Soemthing inside of you clicked an and just reached for his wrist, gripping onto his glove. Sans turned back and his eyesockets flooded i to your eyes. You froze for a moment, fear very apparent in your eyes. 

"Hey, I think we should leave."

This was getting really creepy. Last night, your dream, sans ran out to chase the puppy and he got hit by an eighteen wheeler. You didn't want the dream to become a reality. Was the dream a warning from god? If so, you thanked him.

But in that dream... what you see is exactly what you're gonna get....


Sans keeping his voice down was putting you even more on that edge. You kept his hand in yours, being awfully protective of him. You held him close, so close he had a boss blush over his frontal skull. You squeezed his hand. Sans was beyond confused.

"Human... what's wrong? You're scaring me..."

His voice was even lower, a whisper. You hardly knew sans was capable of whispering. You didn't say a word. That's when you heard him gasp and you were shoved away. When you opened your eyes you saw bones, blood, and dust scattered underneath a fallen iron bar from a construction cite above. How did you not notice that!?

Tears flooded your eyes. Everyone stared either at the disaster or at you. You swore you saw Papyrus in the crowd, frozen in disbelief. Sans. SANS!!! You couldn't speak, scream, or anything. All you did was cry.

What you see is exactly what you're gonna get.

You turned and to your direct left you saw a boy who was completely red, as if he was a Hazel hallucination. A figment of your imagination. 

You woke up in a cold sweat in your bed. You checked the clock whole panting heavily. Eleven in the morning. You looked around and felt underneath your eyes. Tears. 

Another dream? Was that a dream inside of a dream? You check your phone and you set a reminder to meet Sans at the park around noon. You steadied your breathing. Was it another warning from god? Or was this all one giant nightmare.

You rushed out of the house and went to Sans and Paps's place. You knocked on the door frantically. Sans himself opened the door. He looked happily surprised to see you.


Good, he was yelling. That was normal. Maybe this one wasn't just a Dream, or a summer haze. You let yourself in and locked the door. Sans began getting worried. He turned you around, Took off his glove, and checked your forehead.


Your face was red and you were breathing heavily. You ran to get over here. You had to keep him safe. He died twice now. Twice. That was enough to last you a whole lifetime. You just pulled him over to the couch, turned on the television, and sniggled next to him.

Sans looked at you. He saw Papyrus get this way every once in a while when they were in the underground, before they met Chara. Nightmares. You must have had a nightmare. Sanses sighed and started stroking your hair, lowering his voice for you.

"I'm here. I swear."

So that's done. Not depressing but I tried. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted....


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