Royals [Nightmare!Sans x Reader]

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I KNOW I SAID I WOULD DO A NON-SANS BUT I COUDLNT RESIST!!! Plus you can't still request as much as you like. Just saying. I just know I need to throw in more variety of characters. Like paps.

You held your fan close to you and wore your elegant gown. You lived in an alternate universe called MonarchTale. The underground was separated in several kingdoms stretching from Mount Ebott all the way to Mount Silver, taking over the underside of Earth's crust on several continents.

The normal Undertale cast was underneath the continent of North America. You reigned your kingdom underneath Europe, France to be exact. You were a very young queen, and very prideful too. 

You ruled with an iron grip, and yet everybody still loved you. It made you have too much CI fidence in yourself, your magic, and the loyalty of your people. You thought they'd go through hell and back for you. Ha! Guess not.

A neighboring country was trying to invade. Lots of your own Royal guard was rebelling against you, the tyrant princess. It was... beyond infuriating. You were losing your soldiers and soon enough the castle will be taken and the war will be over.

You were in your throne room, just awaiting them. You were planning on dispatching them all. They all had to be tired and weak. You were the strongest monster in your kingdom, and of all your continent.

You waited for something that never came. It never came because a rift in the space time Continuum appeared before you, and a monsterous being made itself known to you. It was a monster dripping with black goop.

"Who are you?"

You rose an eyebrow at the mysterious creature. It looked as though it didn't deserve your attention, but it peaked your interest. He monster grinned and showed its tentacles, intimidating you. You tried to remain unfazed, but you still are a weak girl on the inside.

"You are an interesting monster. You would be a great asset."

You were offended by this remark.

"Asset!? I am a queen! I outrank you! I demand you bow down to me at this moment!"

You puffed out your cheeks and crossed your arms. Your large gown shifted with you. You seemingly amused the creature because it chuckled. This creature needed to learn his god damn place!

"Well, I'm a king. And I am afraid I outrank everyone in this pathetic little universe. So you will become an asset, a soldier, and work for me if you want to survive this pathetic little revolution. You can't take on thousands of monsters alone... yet."

You blinked at the skeleton. This monster was a king!? Oh dear, where were your manners. You regained composure, opened your hand fan, and gave him a little curtesy out of a newfound respect. Reputation was everything!

"Of course, My Lord."

There was a loud crash on the door. Of course, they were trying to break in now of all times. How very unconvienant. You scowled at the door where the revolutionaries were. You looked back at the king, who extended a hand.

"Join me and my army in the anti void, and you will rule universes."

Being a queen of not only a kingdom, but a universe? Millions of billions of nothing but loyal followers in your possession to use as you see fit... it didn't sound too bad. All you had to do was lend your powerful magic to this king!

You took his hand and were pulled into the rift along with him, not even minding the goop, tentacles, and all around scary demeanor. The general of the army made it to the throne room, but nobody was there.

The Queen Evacuated.

This was terrible! Oh my god I'm so sorry! I just had an idea and went for it! This sucks... 


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