Tea? [Nightmare!Sans x Reader]

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The best part of having a doctor's appointment in the smack dab middle of the day is your mom not making you go to school. Thanks mom. Now I can write all day!

You walked within the dream, wondering where the hell you were this time. Your dreams were always logical and real world situations. You figured you were in some other part of the world this time, not recongnizing he dark almost teal leaves of the forest trees.

But no. Music could be faintly heard in the distance and a checkered path was shown before you. It was as if it was a pavement but every square of ce,net was replaced with either a checkers board and chess board. Then the checkered boards began alternating colors from black and red to blue And white.

This was getting extremely abnormal, ecscoecially for a realist like you. The music grew louder and louder. You were being lured by curiosity and denial. Curious at what was playing the music, and denial that you were having such a dream you were in.

You grew nearer and nearer. Soon, a bright clearing in the forest was seen. You know how in the Pokémon franchise they either have a bright white or dark black shade over an area indicating it was a doorway to another place? That was exactly what you were seeing, and you couldn't believe it.

You step into the white as if you were crossing from the Saluntine forest to Route 3. You had to have your eyes dilated back and forth from the bright white to wherever you were now. Even in a dream, you had to preform simple bodily functions like any other human.

You're pupils grew dramatically to the surprising amount of light. The surprising amount was little to none at all. It was dark and all outlines. Eerie, almost crazy music played from a record player and a large table could be seen. It stretched long.

That's when you saw someone literally grown from the ground. Their that or they didn't hat thing where they turn to liquid, slide over, and grow before someone. That's probably it considering they were covered in black goo. Where was this coming from, Brain?!

"Hello, Welcome~"

His, you assumed it was a he, voice was velvety and deep. It purred in your ears. It made you cringe and stiffen before relaxing your body entirely while standing up. That was the oddest thing you felt. Or... imagined you felt? Dream logic is weird.

Out of the black goo, a top hat and Caen just magically appearwad along with tentacles sprouting out of his back. His one, cyan eye gleamed our from the tar like substance covering his body. 

"Join me for tea?"

Oh, you understand now. You were dreaming of some sort of Alice in Wonderland CreppyPasta or CrossoverFic or something. He did look like a character from something. But you don't read that much fanfiction. He seemed to sense your confusion.

"Oh Alice, this isn't as much of a dream as you think it is~ Why dont we talk over tea?"

Alice? Okay now this was Alice in Wonderland. You weren't going to take becing called a false name. Not today. Sorry. If you're name IS Alice just think of something else. Go ahead.... we'll wait...

"My name is (your name)."

His velvety voice chcukled, causing shivers to run up and down your spine. You couldn't help but shudder a bit from that voice. You stand up again, looking him in the eye. That sentance had so much more meaning since he only had one eye.

"Oh course, (your name)~"

Meanwhile, in your life. You've been sleeping for a whole day. Your family is worried. You were still breathing, but you wouldn't respond to any stimuli. You just stayed still and asleep. It was as if you were paralyzed or cursed into infinite sleep. Everyone was worried about you.

Nightmare had his hold on you. As many people he could force into his grip, the better. The larger army he had to fight Ink, the better. If he gathered enough innocents and threatened to kill them all, maybe a true fight can be avoided.

But for now, he will put you to sleep forever and bring you to his dreamscape, where he'd keep you until you cannot be utilized. He always uses their likes and preferences to his advantage. And your favorite movie was Alice in Wonderland.

So let's play, Alice.

How was this? Bad, I know. I'm just dead set on yandere right now. I didn't want two back to back yandere fics. Sorry.


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