Chapter 89

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Y/N entered the room, the tapping of her large wedges silencing the room immediately. The group who were conversing turned to stare at her, shocked at her sudden appearance. Ino looked excited, her hands shaking in excitement. "Well, well. Look who joined us for once." Ino said with excitement as everyone clapped dramatically.

Y/N put a hand on her hip, adjusting her sunglasses as she surveyed the group. She was dressed for the day lavishly, her swimsuit already on underneath. The girls whistled at her dress as Y/N turned and showed them the back. "Gorgeous!" Temarie cried out, clapping her hands. She looked at Shikamaru to make sure he wasn't watching. Shikamaru suddenly found his coffee very interesting.

At least once a week, the group got together for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Y/N was always invited, but never went because she felt like a third wheel. With so many groups out, she felt it was a good cover to make an appearance to show for once.

"Here Y/N-Chan!" Lee pulled out a chair next to him. "Sit down next to me please!"

"Lee-kun what are you doing here?" Y/N giggled, walking over to him. She took a seat gratefully, scooting up her chair. "Tentens on a mission right? i figured she was with you, since I already saw Neji-San." Y/N smiled as Lee lifted her hand, placing a kiss on it.

"Tenten's on a really easy mission with another team." Lee explained with a pride smile on his face. "Soon precious Tenten-Chan will be teaching a team of her own." Lee said proudly.

"Y/N-Chan! I never see you here!" A familiar voice muttered as they approached.

"Hey Akamaru!" Y/N exclaimed as paws hit her leg softly. His head was nudging her, his tongue lapping softly. "Kiba-Kun!" Y/N was hugged by him quickly, a lingering strong hug.

"Is that Y/N-Miyu?" An unfamiliar voice asked. Y/N poked Kiba to let go of her, the boy stepping back nervously. She smiled brightly at the woman next to Chogi.

"Yeah! Really good friend of mine, babe." Chogi said, rushing to stand. "Y/N-Chan, this is my girlfriend, Karui. Karui, meet Y/N-Chan." Chogi said , bowing in between the two ladies. Karui looked at Y/N, making the girl wince. Karui sounded very familiar. She had a very aggressive face.

"Even if she doesn't wear the clan colors, I can recognize her very easily as she looks very beautiful. Almost like a Princess." Karui complimented Y/N. "You saved a large amount of my people in the war, you have my respect." Karui said simply. Y/N gave her a beaming smile. She wasn't expecting good things to come out of her mouth.

"Thank you, Karui-San." Y/N nodded to the girl with a bright smile. "I wish you and Choji-San many blessings." Y/N clapped her hands together, beaming at the both of them. "It is nice to meet you." Chogi smiled nicely, nodding back at her.

"So formal." Karui chuckled her. "Just like a Princess."

"Princess of brats." Shikamaru cleared his throat, making Y/N giggle. "That was her nickname in school." He grunted as Temari slammed her elbow into his side, the table bursting into laughter with them.

"Don't make fun of Y/N-Chan. She packs a mean punch. I mean you should have seen the Uchiha leaving with a black eye yesterday." Temarie checked her nails, sipping her tea sweetly.

Y/N looked at Sakura, who was suddenly confused. "Did you and Sasuke-kun fight?" Sakura said lightly. "I didn't know that was possible." She chuckled lightly.

"Oh, he was being annoying. Sorry." Y/N rubbed the back of her neck. "He can be a jerk."

"Well he is a jerk." Kiba said, settling himself in the chair next to her. "He's a traitor that got off free because of his connections, nothing else."

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