Chapter 104

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Y/N awoke to a quiet apartment. She was surprised she had actually slept through the night. She looked to her right, expecting Kawaki to be still in his bed. She frowned, realizing it was empty. Y/N ran a hand down her face, trying to wake herself up more. Now that she was listening closely, she could hear the baby start to cry. She sighed, lifting herself up out of bed.

Y/N walked over to the door, tiredly opening it. She frowned, seeing the sight before her. Kawaki was at the kitchen table, awkwardly bouncing the baby on his lap. Beside him, the boys were sitting quietly, looking tiredly at the empty table. "Hey." Y/N greeted them, looking around as she entered the room. Ko was walking around the kitchen with a bowl, obviously cooking. "Why is she cooking?" Y/N asked Kawaki, pointing to Ko in the kitchen. Kawaki shrugged his shoulders tiredly.

"I heard the baby crying." He muttered. Kawaki looked a mess too, his hair sporadically sticking up as he continued patting the child. Y/N frowned, opening her arms for the upset child as she neared. "They were awake when I came in, so I figured they were hungry." He muttered, rubbing his face as well.

"You look like shit." Y/N commented, leaning the baby's head on her chest. His cries slowed to a soft sniffle. "Did you even sleep last night?"

"Probably around an hour. I've been busy." He murmured tiredly. "I have to go out today. There's some interference by one of the village's in our territory." He frowned. Y/N tilted her head.

"The island?" She questioned. Kawaki shook his head no.

"No, I have to go to my present." He explained tiredly. "I'll be gone for half the day." He explained." Nagi's head lifted up immediately, meeting Y/N's eyes with a sudden sparkle. "Eh, don't get too excited kid." Kawaki looked back at him with a slight smirk. "You kids have school today."

"Huh?!" Nagi questioned, his eyes narrowed.

"Well, it's more like battle training, or daycare." Kawaki shrugged his shoulders tiredly. "You boys are going to be in school. She'll be with you, and the little one." Kawaki pointed to Ko who was quietly making food.

"Battle training?" Y/N uttered. Kawaki nodded.

"It's a requirement in our clan. All the children go through schooling." Kawaki murmured quietly. "It's just simple hand to hand combat, knife throwing, ect." He yawned.

"I don't want to go to school." Nagi crossed his arms with an attitude. Y/N walked around the table, taking a free arm to brush his head. He was cranky and tired, and had clearly not slept more well.

"I don't either." The boys whined with him, shaking their heads. "Mom." Jataro added, pulling on her hand.

"I don't want them out of my sight." Y/N frowned, looking over at Kawaki. "I don't feel safe." She added, a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry." Kawaki frowned. "Orders straight from the advisor." Y/N's face fell, annoyed. "I assure you, they will be safe. It's just classes." Kawaki nodded his head tiredly to her.

"Yeah, well I don't know these people. I'm nervous." She frowned. "I don't like the idea of you not being around all day either." She added. Kawaki looked up at her, nodding.

"I can get the maid to take you to visit them if necessary." Kawaki murmured. "Don't worry, you all will be safe here. No one will mess with you." He patted her hand. "I'm having fresh linens and clothes delivered soon, so just be aware." Kawaki stood, rubbing his face.

"Ok." Y/N walked around the room with the infant, trying to sooth him. "Thanks, I guess." She muttered, still annoyed with him. She frowned as Nagi stood, looking Kawaki in the face.

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