Chapter 125

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Anyway double upload because next chapter I'm super excited forrrrr. Plus I'm off of work for the next few days because of the snow so I'm good at home chilling 🙄🤪

Thank you all for the support ❤️😭 you guys the bombest

"You guys catch on quick." Maddie hummed, her arms crossed as she studied the boys. They were crawling the wall effortlessly, the boys looking back at her as they hung on the edge. "You guys are good."

"We climbed a skyscraper once together, no tools." Jataro grunted, jumping to another ledge. He swung his feet, using his momentum to roll himself up and onto the large rock.

"All parkour, we won't always have weapons." Nagi muttered, swinging his feet to follow Jataro. He went soaring through the air, gripping the ledge with a tight clench of his fists. "We learned a little back in the day."

"Last year." Masaru snorted. "When we overtook that city in Japan." He smirked, landing far enough to roll right onto the rock. "Back in the day last year."

"You guys conquered a city, huh." Maddie snorted, crossing her arms. "Sure." The boys smirked at her, an evil look in their eyes. "Nevermind." She laughed them off.

"I ate people like you for breakfast." Nagi muttered, turning and jumping to the next ledge. "You think mom will give us ice cream for lunch?" He pouted at Maddie. Maddie giggled, shaking her head.

"I'll give you guys ice cream if you keep working. The boys are looking at you guys." She said quietly, turning. They were in the training academy, training separately from the rest of the class. The trio they had fought yesterday looked away, angry looks on their faces. "I see someone else too." She said slyly, smiling at a tiny shadow behind a column nearby.

"Fuck them." Nagi rolled his eyes, glaring at the trio's back. "They got what they asked for." He shrugged, looking away. Maddie stared at the shadow, a small smile on her face as she looked back at the boys expectantly.

"You guys have a little friend, I see." Masaru folded his arms, scoffing as he saw Rosemarie peek out.

"More like a little pet." He rolled his eyes. "Has she outlived her usefulness yet?" He asked Nagi, muttering under his breath as Rosemarie started jogging over, scaling the wall to reach them. Nagi shook his head no.

"Can I train with you guys, it's boring over there." She looked back at the classroom with a yawn. Nagi nodded immediately, a smile on his face.

"Technically she's not allowed. You guys aren't in the teacher's good graces." Maddie jumped and soared as she landed next to them. She sat down, leaning back to smile at the girl. "Hi sweetheart, I'm the boy's caretaker." Rosemarie bowed to her slightly, nodding. "You should go back with your class now."

"But I wanted to train with you guys, my friends won't talk to me because I told on them for you guys." Rosemarie crossed her arms. Jataro groaned, tilting his head back.

"You guys are so mean." Maddie shook her head, laughing. "As long as it's okay with your teacher, I'm fine with you being with us."

"Yay!" Nagi exclaimed, clapping his hands suddenly. "Can I talk to you alone?" He sounded excited, running away and down the bridge. Rosemarie nodded, following him with a polite excuse as she ran after Nagi. He rolled and landed into a foam pit, Rosemarie landing next to him with a slight huff as she landed.

"Sorry, she's nosy." Nagi said normally, his voice going blank as he looked at her. "I had a couple questions." Rosemarie nodded, eager to listen. "How did you get in this place?"

"Oh." Rosemarie said softly, thinking. "We arrive via the ship, they're really nice inside and very safe." Rosemarie smiled. "Are you thinking of stealing one?"

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