Chapter 140

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Y/N took a breath of relief as the nurse came over to Ko first, asking Y/N questions. Y/N looked to the kids, unsure why Ko was feeling sick in the first place. She took a deep breath, pinching her nose as she heard the story of Ko being lured away from the wedding and poisoned. The nurse wrote down as much as she could, and clapped her hands as she faced the children. "Alright little ones, everyone should hop up on the table for a physical. We'll make sure you're doing okay before the doctor comes."

One by one the kids were checked, Y/N leaning her head tiredly at the wall. Boruto approached her, showing her the baby. "He's upset." He said fearfully, pointing with one hand to the sniffling infant. Y/N gave a small smile, taking the infant from him as she laid his head on her shoulder. "Listen, I'm sorry I couldn't take you guys straight home." Boruto apologized. Y/N shook her head, grabbing his hand to squeeze it as she rocked the baby.

"You got us out of a bad situation kid, thank you." She ruffled his hair suddenly. "I remember when you were a baby and you would whine all day just like your papa." Y/N giggled, the boy blushing bright red as he nodded with a chuckle. "You never wanted to go home, it was always 'Mommy, I don't wanna go home'." Y/N teased him, the boy laughing louder with a nod. "I wanna play with Auntie Y/N all day!" Y/N laughed, the boy groaning as he shook his head at her.

"You're so embarrassing." He teased her as he leaned over her shoulder, looking at the baby. "He's really hot, ya know." Boruto touched the infant's forehead. "You reckon he has a fever?" Y/N pursed her lips, laying the baby down on the table. She stripped him softly of his onesie, feeling the heated skin. "He wasn't wearing much."

"I don't know what's wrong with him." Y/N frowned, the nurse coming over to peek at the infant. "He's normally pretty vocal, and loves playing and singing." Y/N looked at the baby's sad face. "He's acting all sad now." The nurse hummed, feeling the baby's forehead.

"I'll take some measurements for the doctor, perhaps he's got a bug?" The nurse picked up Artemis, carrying him over to the baby station. Y/N leaned against her table, her lips pursed together as she allowed the nurse to do her job.

"Mom, it's hot in here." Jataro complained. "Can we go home now?"

"We have to make sure everything is okay." Y/N yawned, shaking her head. "She's just gotta look over you guys, and Ko isn't doing so hot either." Y/N walked over to Ko, shaking her head. "We've gotta get her better first."

"We're in a hospital, she's gonna be better." Nagi pouted. "It's so stuffy in here." He added, making Y/N roll her eyes.

"These kids are gonna drive me nuts." Y/N muttered, sitting down on her bed. She had a headache now as the boys started talking loudly, excited. Boruto nodded, nudging her with his elbow.

"Arighty, I wouldn't be too worried about it." The nurse chuckled, carrying him back to Y/N. She passed him the baby, Artemis kicking. "He's in his earliest stage of teething. Look at this." Using her gloved hands, she pulled Artemis's upper lip up. In the middle of his mouth was a reddened bump, making Y/N pout. "He's gotta be about four months right?" Y/N nodded, a proud pout on her face as she lifted the baby to look him in the eye.

"Aww, my baby's getting his first tooth soon?" She pouted, looking at his gummy mouth. He was drooling, a pout on his lip. The nurse nodded, a smile on her face. "Shouldn't he be crying though, he's really quiet." Y/N rubbed her nose against Artemis, his small hands entangling in her hair.

"He's uncomfortable here and there, but not in pain yet." The nurse rubbed her fingers against the small bump. "I give it a few weeks, maybe less until it starts to break through. Then he'll be anything but quiet." The nurse warned her. "All babies are different." She added, rubbing Artemis's head. Y/N looked at Artemis with a shake of her head.

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