Chapter 163

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    Sasuke frowned, seeing the rain intensify. It was going to be a long night. Thunder cracked in the sky, making Sasuke tilt his head. He wondered if the kids were nervous, as the wind was now picking up. It was whistling. Kawaki was laying down by the fire, ignoring him while reading his book, Sasuke sighing as he walked over to the tent once more. He opened the door, walking inside. He saw them still in bed, sleeping. He shook his head, wondering if it was worth it to wake them up so they didn't need assistance at three in the morning.

    Sasuke sat down next to one of the sleeping bags. "Alright guys, that's enough sleeping. You're gonna wake up with empty stomachs." He patted the child, but froze as his hands connected with just a blanket. He ripped the blanket away, his eyes widened. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He walked over to the next figure. That too was set up to look as if they had been sleeping. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." He muttered under his breath, frustrated as he listened to rain heavily pounding outside.

    Kawaki peeked inside, watching Sasuke rip the blankets off to reveal nothing. He quickly realized the children were missing, whistling as he walked away. "Hmm." He looked at the ground. The rain was pouring, washing away any footprints quickly as the dirt was turned to mud. Sasuke narrowed his eyes as he came out, glowering at Kawaki. "This way, boss." He said, pointing to the heavy forest. "Footprints are fading fast, but they went this way." Kawaki grabbed his sweatshirt, shaking his head.

    "You've gotta be kidding me. Where the hell would they go?" Sasuke glowered, angry with himself. "How long have they been gone? Shit!" He grabbed his sword, Kawaki tsking at him. "Stay here in case they come back."

    "Yeah right, you stay here." Kawaki bounded ahead, going off in the direction of the footsteps. "We'll find them, stop being a worry wart." The rain was pounding down like buckets now, another crack of thunder in the night sky as Sasuke went running fast through the forest. He looked around, frustrated as he looked around the soaking wet and dark forest.

    "Keep your distance." Sasuke ordered him, looking around. "GUYS!" Sasuke cupped his mouth, yelling loudly. He stopped, branching himself against the tree as he saw something. "What the hell?" He muttered, crouching down on the tree trunk. One of Ko's dolls was laying against the tree. "They came this way." Sasuke pulled his hood up, sighing as he looked around.

    "I know, grouch." Kawaki jumped away from him, leaping through the forest. "I'm splitting away to look for clues." Sasuke ignored him, grabbing the doll as he looked around the area himself. Kawaki looked around, seeing arrows buried into trees. He hummed, touching one. "Is this yours, or someone else's?" Kawaki muttered. He spied a piece of fabric on a branch, humming further as he recognized it as part of the coat Masaru was wearing. "This way."

    Kawaki ran throughout the forest, the thick rain covering most of the noise. He stopped against a tree, looking down. "No footprints. You mostly stuck to the sky." Kawaki muttered, looking around. "The hell are you doing all the way out here?" He said under his breath, looking around as Sasuke dropped to the tree in front of him. He tilted his head in the opposite direction. "You find them?" Kawaki asked, Sasuke leaning against the tree.

    "I found this." He held up a bright blue backpack. "It's Nagi's. Their heading further away from the campsite." Sasuke said solemnly.

    "Why the hell would he leave his bag?" Kawaki asked, following Sasuke as they traveled in the same direction.

    "I've got scratches in the tree where I found this. A kunai left behind too." Sasuke noted, running faster as the light crackled. "The kids use knives, not kunai." Sasuke looked behind him. "We're not alone out here." He added. Kawaki's eyes widened, nodding as he continued on. "Split up, cover more ground." Sasuke said firmly. Kawaki didn't argue, breaking off to go look for them in another area.

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