Chapter 162

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    Kawaki shook his head, watching the kids sulk visibly. "What the hell did you bad ass kids do now?" He asked them. Nagi folded his arms, looking away while sniffling. "Hurry up, before Count Dracula comes back." Nagi sighed.

    "We accidently made Papa try to kill mom, and put the rest of the family in danger too." Nagi said quietly. "We are as mom would call Papa, idiots."

    "Oof, oof." Kawaki shook his head. "It's okay, I got into trouble when I was a kid too." Ko folded her arms, pouting heavily. "I know, I still am in trouble." Kawaki chuckled lightly. "But you'll get passed it."

    "This isn't just trouble, you jerk!" Nagi snapped at him. "We're responsible for what happened to Mom and we almost got the baby hurt too. All because we didn't pay attention." He sulked. "And then we're responsible for Papa and Mom being broken up too!" Nagi huffed. "Just leave me alone." He looked away, clearly upset. Ko put her food down, standing up.

    "I'm ready to go." She said. "I'm not hungry anymore." She pouted. Kawaki nodded, standing up as well.

    "Alright, you guys calm down. We'll get out of here." He assured them. "Your moms a forgiving person, she won't be that mad at you." Kawaki assured them.

    "This isn't minor naughty stuff!" Masaru huffed. "We fucked up bad!" He crossed his arm, sulking.

    "Yeah, but who doesn't? Kawaki asked them. "I didn't realize the perfect human existed. Listen, they're both safe." Kawaki shushed them, the kids now quiet. "You guys are scaring me. I've never seen you this quiet." His joking didn't work, Ko sniffling now. "Hey, hey." He didn't know what to do, the kids looking upset. "You're not gonna be in bad trouble."

    "I don't care about being in trouble." Jataro huffed. "We fucked up!" He insisted. "That's what we care about!" Sasuke walked onto the stage, an angry look on his face as he strode up. Kawaki backed off, knowing they needed space as Sasuke approached.

    "You have me looking all over for you guys in this seedy ass place." Sasuke huffed. "What do you have to say?" He questioned the four of them, them staring at the floor.

    "I'm sorry." Nagi looked up to him, tears in his eyes. "That's all." Sasuke stopped, almost never seeing Nagi cry tears. All the kids started crying, Sasuke sighing as he walked forward.

    "Hey, I'm not really mad. I promise." He assured them, Nagi sobbing. "Hey, come on." Nagi shook his head no, staying away. "It's okay."

    "No, it's not." Nagi sighed. "Let's go home." He insisted. Sasuke nodded, putting an arm around the kids as he guided them through the doors. Everyone was quiet, the kids crying softly as Sasuke guided them down the hall. Kawaki stayed behind them, trailing silently for once as the mood was somber. They made it to the big door, but the Hostess stopped them.

    "Hey! You have a tab!" She insisted. Sasuke took one look at her, unamused as his eyes turned scarlet. She dropped to a crumple on the floor.

    "Just paid." Sasuke muttered, continuing on with the kids as he took them out the seedy building. "Come on, get in the car." Quietly the kids got in, not saying a word as the group got in. "Alright, tell me what's wrong." He looked over at them, the kids shaking their heads no. "Was it him?" He pointed to Kawaki who glared at him. The kids shook their heads no again. "Well what's wrong?"

    "Not now." Nagi muttered, putting his legs underneath him as he got comfortable in the car. "Not now." He repeated.

    "Are you sure?" Sasuke asked them, the kids nodding. "Alright, but it'll be okay." Sasuke assured them, and for once the car ride was quiet as Nagi typed in their destination.

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