Chapter 52

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Nagi called Sasuke, the phone ringing with tension ring after ring. He paled and looked with annoyance as he didn't pick up "Dammit." Nagi turned, walking to the door. "We'll save her ourselves then."

"All we have to do is get an adult's attention." Jataro said as they all started moving towards the front door in the hallway. Ko reached the door first.

"Uh oh." Ko mumbled, shaking as she opened the front door. The anbu ninja that had been watching over them was on the floor on the hill, rolling shoulder over shoulder. She gasped as he landed spread eagle, a blade inbetween his chest facing up. "Nagisa!" She shut the door with a loud yell, locking it.

"Their here?!" Nagi snapped, ducking quickly as a kunai went streaming over his head. It had came from the opened kitchen window, slicing his hand open as the phone left his hand. "Ah!" He exclaimed, ducking as he and the boys crawled underneath cover. Masaru kicked a table over on its back, creating a barrier in between them.

"You good?" Masaru yelled, his back up against the table he just flipped over. Nagi nodded, ripping his scarf off to tie around his hand. "The phone went to hell."

"Doesn't matter. Go, go!" Nagi ordered them, the four of them jumping up to sprint into the hallway.

"The elevators down here! Let's go!" Jataro yelled, his feet storming against the floor. Windows along the first floor burst open as they ran past it, bodies dropping in as the four of them jumped into the elevator. Ko slammed the up bottom, the four of them wincing against the wall as they saw the vast numbers stampeding the mansion.

"This is bad." Ko mumbled. "I spotted at least five." She breathed heavily, her little chest heaving. She dropped her jacket, feeling way too hot as she fought the adrenaline. They could hear the men laughing loudly downstairs.

"It's only kids. Get up there and find them." Someone yelled. Ko bit her lip as they went higher, the kids frozen.

"What do we do?" Masaru mumbled. "The weapons are reachable, but we'll die before they do."

Nagi was holding his bleeding hand, frustrated. "Nagisa!" Jataro raised his voice, the four of them nearing the fourth floor.

"I've got it!" He snapped, tying the binding around his hand tighter. "We have to get to the attic. We hid most of the weapons there. The circuit breakers are there too." Nagi breathed hard.

"Deal with these kids, we'll meet you at the extraction point." One of them yelled downstairs. Masaru narrowed his eyes as they finally reached the fourth floor. The kids ran as quietly as possible to Y/N and Neji's room.

Jataro shut the door quietly behind them, the four of them walking on their tiptoes as Nagi got on all fours. "Come on." He whispered to Ko.  She climbed on the back of his shoulders. With the help of Masaru, the two of them stood, Ko reaching out to try to grab the rope hanging from the ceiling.

"They're not here yet." Jataro whispered, his eye in the keyhole as he gazed around. "It's dark enough if we change our clothes, we'll blend in with the dark."

"We planned for this." Masaru whispered back. "It'll be fine." Ko finally grabbed the robe. The ladder lowered with a loud creek, making them wince.

"We're only kids. How many do you think they'll send after us?" Ko whispered, climbing the ladder quickly. Nagi shrugged.

"Could be one.  Could be two. Could be one for every floor." Nagi whispered, climbing up after her.

"Are we clear?" Masaru asked Jataro. Jataro nodded, a serious look on his face.

"No one yet. Let's get up there." The two boys scrambled up the ladder, taking their time to avoid making creaks. When everyone was up, Jataro closed the hatch quietly, the four of them listening. They heard nothing.

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