Chapter 129

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    "I can watch him tonight, mommy." Ko said as Y/N pulled the blankets up to their chins. "I really missed him!" She smiled as Y/N leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. She shook her head, grabbing the edge of the bassinet.

    "He's all fussy and you just came back from a mission, let me watch him." Y/N smiled, tucking the boys in. "Besides, he's my little buddy." Y/N leaned over, cooing at the bassinet. He giggled, babbling at her as he kicked his little legs. "We have a long day tomorrow." Y/N sighed, shaking her head.

    "Goodnight." The kids tiredly said, nodding as she leaned over and tucked them in fully. Y/N left with the bassinet, wheeling it away to her bedroom. She was already dressed in her nightgown, and Artemis in his sleeper.

    "You are so excited little guy!" Y/N smiled at Artemis, as he kicked his feet with a huge smile. "Oh you  are so little!" She cooed, poking him lightly. She entered their bedroom, surprised to see Kawaki in her spot. He was lazily lying with the remote in his hand, one arm strewn behind his head as he flipped through the channels.

    "How's he been?" Kawaki asked her as she parked the bassinet by the other side of the bed, lifting the baby out of his bassinet. "He looks happy." He added, smirking slightly as Artemis started yelling happily.

    "Oh yes." Y/N smiled, climbing in next to Kawaki as she held the baby. "He loves sleeping with me." Y/N supported his head, tickling Artemis's stomach. "Oh you're such a happy baby!" Y/N squealed, Artemis kicking happily as he continued to giggle. "You're not sleeping down there?" She pointed at the foot of the bed. Kawaki shrugged, turning back to the television.

    "I could." He shrugged. "I just wanted to watch something first." Y/N shrugged, laying the baby in between them. Artemis put his feet high, trying to grab his toes. "Am I not allowed here?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow.

    "I don't care, you're in my boyfriend's spot." She pointed to the baby, who was looking around now wildly. She was smiling as Kawaki chuckled, looking over at the baby.

    "My apologies." He said dryly. Y/N got comfortable, pulling the blankets up to cover her as she quickly dragged the baby up.

    "He likes sitting like this, makes him feel grown." Y/N snickered, sitting him up and against the pillows. "He likes the television too." She leaned over, kissing Artemis's cheek. "What's that?" She said suddenly, gasping as she pointed at the television. "Is that your cartoon?" She looked at Artemis happily. He pointed at it, mimicking her as he played around with his hands. He was happy, kicking again.

    "Whoops, where'd it go?" Kawaki snickered evilly, changing the channel. Y/N looked at him expectantly when Artemis made a noise, confused. "Oh well, can't find it." He sighed, still clicking as he smirked. Y/N smiled widely, listened to Artemis make sad noises.

    "You better give him his show back." Y/N smiled. "He's been hogging the television the past two nights." She explained, giggling. Kawaki shook his head, still flickering between channels.

    "I am not going to let an infant tell me what to do." Kawaki smirked, still flickering. Y/N raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the baby. Artemis started bawling, kicking hard as he sobbed hard. Kawaki tried to ignore it, but Artemis started yelling louder, whining hard. "Y/N he's crying, get him." Kawaki looked at her incredulously.

    "You did it, you get him." Y/N smiled, leaning back against the pillow. "You wanted a baby, show me you can control him." Y/N smirked. Kawaki sighed, reaching over as he grabbed the baby. He put Artemis in his lap, patting his back. "Um, can you get his head?" Y/N giggled, adjusting his hands quickly. "Pat him like that, but keep his head steady, silly." She told him, shaking her head.

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