tae's birthday special

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[ A/N : this is related to the story. Regard this as it happened something in near future. Love you all ❤]

At school

School isn't fun anymore!!!!!!

A girl says sighing.....tae,baek & everyone looks at her chuckling... [ if you guys are wondering,this is the girl once taught ' hyeri' a lesson in class]

And why is that?? A boy asks.

After jungkook sensei left, & that weird sensei came...nothing is like before anymore...nothing interesting happens anymore....our boring sensei comes...sleeps on that fucking chair...looking at him i get all these cringe...ah! I can't even see sensei stealing glances at tae anymore...trying so hard to keep a straight face on..but when he sees tae...he is like..." Boom"...a flustered sensei...i can't even gossip to girls where i saw tae & sensei today,holding hands...or hugging...or something really " treat" for my eyes...god! This is frustrating...i hate this.....that girl sighs.

So all you are missing that you can't gossip about me & guk anymore?? Tae chuckles looking at her..

Guk,huh?? Everyone crowds around him chuckling....so now we are in that stage where we call sensei as 'guk'....then where's that boy gone who once at first said he is never gonna fall in Love with sensei?? Hmm?? One of the girl chuckles.

I don't know...probably that boy went to a holiday or something...tae rolls his eyes...

Ask me how far they went.....baek says chuckling...

Tae covers his mouth...

I swear you stupid romeo! I am gonna kick your ass...tae says scoffing...

Now i am interested more...i want gossips!! Spill it baeky....that girl says patting on baek's shoulder...

God! Why are you so interested about me n sensei....tae scoffs.

'Guk' was better...besides it's you & sensei we are talking about...so...you know...can't help being interested....class president minhyuk chuckles.

& you will say this anyway....you two meet everyday...& do that lovey dovey 18+ stuffs....that girls rolls her eyes..

As if you guys always used to see me n guk doing something when he was here...we are innocent people..pure...you guys are ruining our name...

Tae says shaking his head hopelessly.


One of tae's friends cough loudly & raise his hand..

" One time sensei took our class with Hickey on his neck....history never changes " That boy says still hand raised up..

Tae widen his eyes...his ear turns red...

" One time when i was coming from cafeteria,i almost entered the class room...but stopped & thank god i stopped when sensei was kissing on tae's ear,while tae was asleep...." Another classmate says.

" My experience was better than yours...one time i went to the rooftop to have fresh air...when i tried to open the door,it was locked from inside....& guess what i heard afterwards! Literally two people were moaning!!!! I was wondering who it was! Then u know who came down stairs after half hour!!! SENSEI! & TAE!!!..not that i am complaining though! But i felt so single afterwards...." That boy says sighing.

This is what this two do...makes us feel single...another one sighs.

God! Do i have any friends in this school or not! I am feeling so betrayed! Tae says in disbelief.

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