chapter 91

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[A/N : before starting this chapter..i will say this is actually a messy chapter..lots of incidents will be happening in this one keep you patience & read thoroughly. Please]

Everyone was looking at tae & jungkook...tae & jungkook hugging each other,thatz not a usual sight everyone see everyday...some teachers were thinking tae & jungkook were over excited because of their wining...some were shocked because there are habituated with jungkook's cold behavior..they never thought jungkook can be this cheerful & hug one of his student..some students were jealous because he never did something like this with them...some were giving blank looks...& people who knows about tae & jungkook were happy to see them like this...

Tae suddenly feels many stares poking behind him.he snaps quickly....

What am i doing!!! Tae says in mind..he push Jungkook a little & steps back...jungkook was looking at him silently...

Don't misunderstand...i was just~~~

It's okay taehyung...i got it..jungkook says softly...

Tae looks at him in the eyes....jungkook's eyes were glittering in happiness...but still..there was a ray of sadness too...

Tae turns to look at baekhyun...he runs towards him...& hold his hand firmly...then runs holding his hand....

Baek was following him silently.....

Why are we running?? Baek says panting...

I don't know...tae replies running...

Suddenly baekhyun stops grabbing tae's hand firmly...& stops right there...

Tae turns to look at him...

Baek looks tae in the eyes...

If you don't know why you are running...stop running away told me to face everything bravely..then why are you running away now?? I stopped escaping from reality..because i know you are there for me to give me know we all are with you..right?? Baek says softly...

Tae looks at him for sometimes..then nods silently...

You are seeing that man...baek points at jungkook who was standing in a corner avoiding all crowd though they won...he was standing looking down...

Tae looks at jungkook..his heart starts to sink in deep seeing him like that...

He is on your side too Actually not only in your side..he is yours...he is like that.. Because you are not beside him..i can challenge you the moment you will stand beside him..he will glow up..

Baek says looking at jungkook...

You know..before you came in this school...he was a total different man..he was a total mess....we hardly saw him smiling before..even if he smiled in a blue moon...that was a forced life was in that smile...but after you was like a magic...he started to smile..he started to look seems like...whatever happens to this universe..he doesn't care at all..but now..he cares more...he cares more of a specific person..& that person is you...baek says softly...

But he doesn't love me baek ssi...tae says in a low voice...

Don't say things that you don't believe yourself...baek shakes his head...there's no way that he doesn't love you...he loves you..& how know that better than me...

if you sneeze right now...he will come running here & will start panicking thinking you are have cold...& carry you up take you to the infirmary...believe me...thatz what will happen...i am not exaggerating anything...this happened in past too...he panicked when you had a fever...he panicked when you were missing in the forest..he panicked when you were injured while beating suho...remember? Many people were injured...but he carried only you...& take you to treat you personally...the care he shower on you...he did for no one else...he is always concerned about you..always looking for chance to stay with you...your are deliberately avoiding this..but his every action is proving how guilty he is..& how much he wants you back..if you tell me anything...i will believe that...but if you tell me he doesn't love you..nah...i am not buying that..because you know yourself...thatz not true...he loves you...

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