chapter 52

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Tae warp his hands around jungkook's shoulder..

Jungkook slides his hands under tae's waist..pulls him on his chest holding him on the back...they were kissing each other forgetting the world.that was so full of seems like Time stopped for them at that moment...

Jungkook pulls his lips off first....tae was panting heavily...still his eyes were closed...

Jungkook smiles looking at him..then he hugs tae if he let go..tae will be gone forever...tae rest his head on Jungkook's shoulder.....


Tae murmurs...

Hmm?? Jungkook replies...he was looking at the stars up holding tae in his chest.... are in your right mind now...right??

Jungkook frowns his eyebrows in confusion...

You are not gonna tell me tomorrow that it was an accident..right??you are not gonna tell me i am just your student.right?? Your are not gonn~

Jungkook suddenly realize...tae was crying....his heart shrunks in deep...he..he hurt tae that much!!!!!

If..if you tell me i am just an accident for you..i..i won't be able hurts when you~~~

Tae wasn't able to talk more..

Jungkook feels his heart was aching badly...he holds tae's face to make him look at him...

Look at me...Jungkook says firmly...

Tae looks at Jungkook...

I am in my right mind tae.i was that time too..i was a fool to hurt you like this.please forgive are not an are the person i love..i have fallen in love deeply & madly with you tae..i won't say anything like that again.i won't hurt you anymore tae .i promise.beside my family.i only have you in my life are everything for me...i don't regret anything.i don't regret our kiss..this is the most beautiful feeling i have ever felt tae.this feeling...ah!!!

Jungkook rises his head & pecks on tae's lips softly...

Tae keeps looking at him...

I don't regret anything...shall i prove it more??

He kisses on tae's nose...then on his cheek...on his puffy eyes.....

Tae smiles blushing...

W..what are you doing??

I am telling you that i love you with my action..he kisses on tae's lips again...then he hugs tae tightly looking up...

This isn't a dream...right???

Tae says whispering....

This isn't..besides if it's a is the dream i want to live on...Jungkook replies softly....



I...i love you....

Jungkook kisses on tae's ear...

I love you too love.....

They keeps lying there holding each other in their warm embrace...

Ring ring...


Tae was holding Jungkook closing his eyes.

Hmm?? He replies humming...

phone is ringing...

Pick it up then....tae says still holding Jungkook...

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