chapter 2

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Jimin looks at the adorable kid standing in front of the door holding his pillow...

Jimin looks at the adorable kid standing in front of the door holding his pillow

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He smiles...yeah taetae..

I want to sleep with you tonight...i don't wanna sleep alone after so long...

Come here..jimin pats beside him...

Tae runs for it...he jumps on the bed...

Jimin lies beside him..& hugs him tightly....

I missed you taetae...

I missed you too jiminee...i missed you all...when i was i  America,every time i see a family,i think of you guys..grandpa used to miss you too...specially you & joonie hyung...he used to say joonie hyung should take care of him first..working pressure is effecting on his health...i had many friends there...but no one was like my brothers...aghhh!!! I missed you guys so much....

Jimin smiles holding his little baby brother....



Did you figure out your feelings about suga hyung??? Tae asks whispering...

Shh!!!! What are you talking about??? Jimin says panicking...

Tae sits up on the bed....then looks directly at jimin....

I am saying what exactly it is...tell me jimin did you figure out?!

He is my brother taetae..i have feelings for him as a brother should have..nothing else...jimin says looking other side...

Nothing else??? Look at me...tae makes him look into his eyes...

Now tell don't love suga hyung more than brother???


Jiminee....don't lie...u know u can't hide anything from me..i know all about you...from my childhood i saw how affectionate you are towards him..that affection can't be only for your brother..thatz more than that..every time you feel sad,you stand in front of suga hyung's room,without saying know suga hyung won't wake up,but every morning you went to his room to wake him up,only to see him first in the morning...right???you wants to be like him thatz why you choose arts as your major..this feelings,only for brother??? Don't deceive yourself are only hurting yourself if you ar~

Jimin hugs tae burrying his face on tae's shoulder....

Stop tae....don't say anymore...this is wrong....he is my are right...i have feelings for him..but this is can't have feelings for your own brother..i am a disgusted can i have feelings for him!!! Thatz a sin...he will be disgusted with me if he finds out...

What are you saying don't even know if he feels the same way towards you or should tell your feelings to him first...may be..may be he will return the same feelings...may me he ~

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