chapter 120

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What happened gukkie?

Tae says looking at jungkook,who was silently holding him. They were still in jungkook's office room.

Nothing..i just wanna hold don't have any class right now,isn't it?jungkook says.'s self study period right now.

Alright then..if you get stucked in anything,i can arrange a 'study date' any time. Jungkook smiles.

Yeah sensei?? Study date?? Why this sounds so familiar?? Tae says chuckling...i remember someone forced me to have 'study date' with him before...

Force??jungkook pouts. I didn't force you. I just wanted to spend some times with my boyfriend. I didn't know he consider that as force.

Tae chuckles seeing him pouting. He warps his hands around jungkook's neck.

Okay drama bad..i wasn't force. I was anticipating for that...besides..i was kinda happy too?? Tae says.

Jungkook smiles brightly.


Yeah..with the fact that i am gonna spend my time with my 'pabo' sensei,whom i have a crush on..but he keeps denying it & used to push me away.

Jungkook nuzzles on tae's shoulder hearing that.

You sensei really is an idiot.i thought i may bring some trouble in your life.

That's true though.if my pabo sensei thinks loving someone can bring trouble,then yeah. He is indeed an idiot..

Don't scold me.

I am not scolding you though. But i should. Someone used tricky way to get closed..tae says smiling.

Oh yeah? But someone was more sly that he kept denying that he loves me,but keept looking at me all the time. Even after our tutoring ended,he kept looking at the window from downstairs to see mem.jungkook replies rubbing tae's back.

Aish! Don't remind me of that. I still feel awkward thinking about that. Like,i am tryna looking at the person i love by pretending i am searching for something in the ground & thinking he won't find out.but woah! He is already looking at me from up.that was really embarrassing..tae says hiding his face.

No,that wasn't.that was cute.. & it wasn't my fault though. I can't take my eyes off you. You can't blame me for that. Jungkook says brightly smiling squeezing tae in his embrace.

Smooth sensei...tae teased tell me...what happened...

What? Nothing? Jungkook replies immediately.


Tae..jungkook imitates tae..

I am serious...tae says..u know i am not buying that nothing happened. I know when you hide just spill up..

Jungkook keeps silent for sometimes.

You are not gonna scold me,right?

Depends...tae replies pulling a little back & look at jungkook's face.

Aaa..don't do that babe..i will be more scared..

Gukkie...tae says firmly.

Okay okay..i am telling you...just don't yell at me after that...jungkook scratches his head...

I maybe or maybe not meet your hyung today...jungkook says murmuring.

My hyung?? Hobi hyung? Tae says tilting his head.

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