chapter 38

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                             everything alright??

Jungkook asks worriedly looking at tae....

It was time for tae's english tutoring class....

What does it matter to you if it's alright or not??? Tae replies writing his lessons on his notebook...

It matters matters a seem...something different today...

We are hare for my English lessons...i think we should concentrate on that...tae replies....

We are concentrating on that...i am just asking if something is bothering you lately.....

Yeah...tae replies...

& what is that...jungkook asks curiously...


Jungkook pause for something...then sighs...

If you are angry about before that i laugh during class...then i am sorry...i truly am...& i am sorry about the things i have done before too...believe me tae...i am sorry...i am saying this from the core of my heart...

Tae looks at him....he feels warm when he feels the sincerity of jungkook's words....but still his heart was unable to trust him..he has been trusted twice..but was betrayed both times....he sighs looking down...

Jungkook understands what tae was feeling inside...he heard tae's previous  experience when tae was sharing that with baek...his heart clench in pain everytime he thinks about that...if he could meet tae earlier...probably he won't lose his trust on everybody..he won't be this heartbroken...he would warm tae in his warm embrace.....

Jungkook takes a deep breath...

Okay tae...if it's so hard to forgive me.if its hard to love me again....then you don't have don't have to force yourself....but...we can talk normally...right?? Like...a friend?? Like you do with baek?? You share your thoughts with him..right??i will try my best to be like that...i am a good listener tae...& i am older than you...probably i can share my thought on that can help you to understand that situation..i can share some ideas too...probably...that will help you...overcome...what is bothering you...i am concerned tae...believe bothers me when i see you without your smile...that cheering tae is somewhere lost from somedays...& it's concerning me a pains me tae...jungkook says in a worried tone...

Tae sits there speechless...he fidgets on his's not that he doesn't want to trust jungkook's words...whether he admits it or not...he loves jungkook....jungkook is his first his words will effect on him..thatz more certain...

So....tae says lowly....recently something really is bothering me...

Jungkook feels happy that tae was opening up with him...he wants to help tae with his most....

Yeah...tell me about it.... know...don't judge...okay??? Tae says in hesitation....

I will never judge you again tae....

Jungkook says firmly....

Tae looks at him...he blush hearing jungkook's words...then looks down....

I have a friend...who loves his brother....not in the brotherly way....i mean....hey...don't feel disgusted...okay..??they are not blood the main thing friend loves his brother....tae says fidgeting his fingers...

tae says fidgeting his fingers

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