chapter 130

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Hey beautiful,wanna go on a ride??
Tae widen his eyes looking at jungkook..jungkook was smiling at him..he takes his seatbelt off..then steps out of the car holding a Boquet in his hand....& walks towards tae....

When he goes closer,tae looks at him up at his face

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When he goes closer,tae looks at him up at his face..

Why are you here?? Tae asks..trying to hold his anger on his face..but fails miserably at the grinning man standing in front..

I am here to take the most gorgeous man in this world on a date...

Tae looks other side hearing that..

I don't know whom are you referring to...tae says firmly..

Jungkook grinns..the leans down before tae's face..close enough that Tae looks him in the eyes..

Jungkook brushes his finger tips on tae's nose..

You don't know?? You really don't know??

Tae's ear redden up seeing jungkook this close..

G..go away..

I can' look breathe taking...jungkook murmurs..

I am angry at you..tae says frowning..

Yeah!!! You should get angry at me..i am angry at myself too..nah! You love me too much.pamper me....never scold me..i am becoming more of a irresponsible person day by day..what is with this manner! Does this stupidity suit to a person who has this gorgeous boyfriend! Jeon are a dumb stupid moron!

I agree with the last part..

Tae says raising his one eyebrow..

Yeah!! Totally..i agree too...i am the biggest moron in this world...

Right..tae replies immediately..

Monkey will be more smart than me..

Totally..tae replies looking otherside..

There's no one more stupid than me..


You love this stupid man a lot..

Can't help~~huh?? Tae turns at Jungkook..who was smirking hearing that..

You don't reflect on your mistakes,do you?? Tae says whining..

I do..that's why i want to take you on a date..please babe...let's go on a date..we didn't have a proper date before...Jungkook says softly..

No! Tae says pouting..


I am still angry & i am going to shopping with minnie..

Umm..i highly doubt that hyung gonna come back..

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