chapter 75

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Why you always hurt yourself if you get angry??

Jungkook says looking down at his lap where tae was lying down....

They were still at the rooftop...

Tae looks up at his face...

You were angry at me could shout at me, beat me,punch me or anything you want.but you just left...& didn't take your lunch either...why you always do this to hurt yourself..that makes me hurts me more..don't do this to yourself..

Jungkook says brushing tae's hair...

I..i have some anger issues...i can't control it..when i see me close ones are getting hurt or someone's trying to hurt them..or something threatening coming close to them..& it makes me more angry when the person i love doesn't try to understand what i am trying to say...i was trying hard to make you understand one thing jungkook...i am not against this thought that you will help or teach hyeri..i am totally fine with that..but i am against this thought you will teach her in your office room,she will be there alone with you..she likes you jungkook..she thinks she is the only one who is worthy of don't know what she told me before..i don't want her to get the chance to spread rumors about you & her..if that happens she will take that opportunity to make everything worse..try to understand jungkook. I love you..i don't want anything bad happen to don't know a shit what she can do..i won't endure it if anyone tries to harm you..but you don't understand take my words in a wrong way..& believe me..i feel like a crap at that time...but..i love you so much...i can't hurt you either.. So what should i do?? Tell me?? You didn't go through things like me jungkook..i know what does it feel to lose the person you love...i don't wanna lose you...i can't...

Tae says looking at jungkook sadly...

Jungkook hugs him leaning down...

I am sorry baby...i didn't want to hurt you..i am a stupid..this stupid mouth of mine..always blabbers something nonsense..i hurt you..this won't happen again...i won't let that girl come closer to me one can come closer to me except you..i won't teach anyone in my office room again..except you...

Nahh!! Tae says closing his eyes....i am not going to your room again...tae close his eyes..


I am not buying that....tae smiles closing his eyes...



Tae honey....

Not gonna work....

Okay..then tell me what do i have to do so that you will forgive me...

You will do anything??? Tae asks looking up at him...

Yeah..anything for you...

Okay then..tae rises up...he looks at jungkook...

Suddenly jungkook widen his eyes when tae comes more closer...& sits on jungkook's lap...


You said you will do whatever i ask you to..
Tae says motioning his fingers on jungkook's chest..

Jungkook could feel the unknowing sensation rising up inside his body..he keeps looking at tae....

Tae takes jungkook's hand & place it on his waist....then he looks at jungkook again...& smiles...

Jungkook was not getting what is happening right now..but whatever it is,he was so loving it....

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