chapter 144

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Tae rolls on the bed...this side supposed to be jin's side...but he frowns closing his eyes finding the place empty...

He opens his eyes slowly,it really is empty...tae sits on the bed..then rubs his eyes...

Good morning kiddo...Namjoon says drying his hair with a towel,coming out of the washroom...he just took a shower.

Good morning hyung,where's jinnie hyung? Tae asks.

He is in the kitchen probably....freshen up...your school is at 10 today,isn't it??Namjoon asks.

Yeah hyung.tae replies yawning. submitted your leave in advance application?

Yeah hyung..i talked to the new home room teacher...tae replies.

Good...Namjoon walks & sits beside tae...

About yesterday,i am sorry...jinnie scolded you a lot & said many things..don't take it in your heart...he didn't mean it at all...parents says so many things when they are angry...but that doesn't mean they don't love's just that parents love their kids too much that they feel real worried,concerned when their kids makes any mistakes. It's just to correct their mistakes...he loves you a lot...that's why he was so worried that he couldn't even think of anything when he saw you after coming home that late,this happened before too remember,you didn't come home for a whole night,we even had to call the,you can understand how he are our life...we can't take it even any slightest thing happens to understand what i am saying,right?? Namjoon says holding tae's hand.

Tae nods looking down.

I know hyung,i really understand. I know you guys love me a lot...i know how you raised me guys are everything for me..i can understand jin hyung's worry...& he has every right to be angry at me..i wouldn't even think anything if he had beat me up...because i know..i was wrong...i made too many mistakes in my life,everytime you guys forgive me. I should have considered your concern..rather than being a brat...i am sorry hyung...forgive me please...i know i am wrong & i will do anything for the forgiveness...tae says looking down.

Namjoon smiles..& pats on his head.

You are's takes a lots of courage to accept your are brave enough to do realized your mistakes...that's more than enough...okay? Don't be sad..just talk to him...he can't possibly be angry at you for so long..i saw him embracing you tightly when he was sleeping earlier...Namjoon smiles.

Tae smiles looking down.

I know...he smiles. do more thing...i have ordered some outfits for you guys except jin, can you try those on & correct them if any changes needed after school? Tell jimin and all..ninin also.....Namjoon says.

Yeah hyung,don't worry about it...tae replies.

& do me a favor please...

Tae looks at Namjoon confusedly.

I couldn't choose anything for jungkook because i don't know what he likes or what will fit him...please take jungkook with you & choose something for him..i could do it..but i know he won't tell me anything about what he actually likes but will go with my preference...please do me this favori..Namjoon says softly.

Tae smiles..

Don't worry about that,leave it to me.he replies smiling.

Yeah,i am relived...Namjoon replies.

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