chapter 178

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[ long chapter warning]

" i am not going.... "

Everyone looks at him, jungkook was looking at tae still..

What? Jungkook asks with mouth slightly open...

Tae takes his time to fold that papers again, & putting those inside the envelope... Then looks at jungkook.

I am not going....tae says again.


Tae looks at hobi hearing that...

It's not like i am pressuring or saying you can't read or anything... But you read the letter carefully?? John Hopkins! It's john Hopkins! Your dream college!

Hobi says in disbelief... Younghoon grabs his hand, when hobi looks at him.

What? Hobi asks confusedly...

Don't... Younghoon murmurs.

I read it hyung... I read it thoroughly... Tae replies.

Then why?

Hobi asks frowning... Except jungkook, everyone looks at him too...

Hyung... He has a family here... He has niana.. He has jungkook... He has us all here.... Jimin says looking at hobi...

Hobi keeps silent for a moment...

So, doesn't he have a more solid reason to go then?? Hobi asks suddenly.

Jin frowns looking at him.

What do you mean?

Hobi looks at him... Jin knows his expression on hobi's face... He wears it when he is being serious...

He is doing to be a doctor for his family & for all.. It's his dream... Then letting him not go in there, or deciding not going there & leaving dream for his family... Isn't it just hypocrisy??

Hobi says firmly... Jin & others keeps standing speechlessly...

That's not it hobi... Namjoon says.

But even if i look at it all around, it looks same to me hyung... Hobi says looking at Namjoon.

Before he has a family here too hyung, he had us here, he had a damned home in here, he was just a little kid who needed this home most... Still we let him go there...

Weren't we his family at that time? We let him go despite being his 'family' to make him strong, so that he doesn't broken up when we won't be around him, to make him strong after dad & mom were gone...

Even if i kept asking why we have to let him go & you kept saying because we, his 'family' have to help him to be strong...& letting him go there won't change our 'family' thing. Now you are saying as we are his 'family' we should encourage him not to go for his dream & he stay here.... Just because 'family'??

Hobi smirks...

" that's pure hypocrisy hyung.... Nothing but hypocrisy "

Everyone jolts hearing hobi saying all this... Hobi is the most positive person in this family.. He never even spoken for himself, always keeps minding what others wants... Always accepts what others says.... This is the first time he did something otherwise... & that's not for himself either.....

Hobi kept silent... Those words he blurted out a while ago, was deep inside him...they were always there... From the moment grandpa snatched tae away from them.. & all let him go... He had nothing at that time... Except being a 12 years old kid.. Whose words doesn't count in value because he is only brat whose mind 24/7 gets stung at singing & dancing... Grandpa didn't listen to him once..

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