chapter 165

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"Abandon one taehyung....either him....or your dad...."

Tae freeze at his place hearing that...he looks at Yoongi widening his eyes.

Yoongi...namjoon takes a step forward....

No hyung...not today...i beg you....yoongi looks at namjoon crying.

Then looks at tae..who was standing frozen. Not even blinking.

It's simple for you,right taehyung? Hyung said & i guess everyone here think so too...i am not your dad taehyung. Mom n dad left years ago. Whatever i did was just as a hyung would do for his little brother. That's it. Everyone here did the same. Mine doesn't make me special or some. You are just my brother.

Nothing more than that. I am not something more to you e~~

Yoongi clenched his fist...something was blocking his throat....

"I am not more than that to you either...."

Tears rolls down from tae's eyes...his eyes were sticked in the ground. Mind was going blank.

You love him most right? Ever since you two met,i am the one who is disappointing you. The day we first met,you took his side even if it was his fault too. He broke you,you told me you are not gonna associate yourself with him. But you did it behind my back. I didn't even force you that time to promise something like that. You did it on your own accord n broke it. What am i in your eyes? An useless rat??

You got hurt,you choose him to stay with you. Did i complain??? Even if all those years you got hurt or sick or anything i spend the whole night beside you taking care of you. Even leaving everything behind how important it was or whatsoever,i rush to America to stay beside you. You choose him in the end to stay beside. I complaining? No...i didn't. He got hurt,you put all those blames on me,when i fucking didn't do anything. I was helping him. But you claimed with your strongest voice that how disappointed you are in me.

How i hurt your boyfriend. How i just act to be kind but actually i am not. How~~ how i am jealous of you two being close. You thought of me as a bigger person but i failed you in the end.

I didn't hit him that day taehyung,neither do today i jumped on a conclusion. I fight with myself 100 Times before even give a single doubt. I asked him...yeah! You can tell me i didn't ask him directly. Because even if i am your BROTHER, i am kims vice president too!!!! I can't ask a CEO from a rival company ' why the fuck you signed on that project' . That's their confidential term & i just fucking can't! I can't fucking mix business n relationship with each other just because i have the right! But still i give so many hints about what i am talking about. He didn't get anything n decide to keep silent....

Still did i say anything to you or him??? I didn't. Because i still was doubting in myself & believing on him! I act calm! I didn't even bother anyone with it! I fucking burdened my own shoulder with it! It was eating me alive inside! But still fucking i did!

But today when i saw he raised his hand on you,i fucking can't keep silent because Even if you don't me regard that,i used to regard as my kid! It fucking matters. It fucking hurts! I am a fucking selfish man when it comes to my family! I always did! Because i can't stay silent when it comes to my kid! My family! & you don't have any fucking right to tell me not to be scared ! Because all i have in my life is my family!

I always was selfish when it comes to you! Even if i don't have that right! I am! When those bastards hurt you,your arms got slinged. It was okay for me to act on that! No one questioned me being a dad even if i would have killed when it comes to jungkook,because if him you have broken your hand....i am the fucking one being questioned if being a dad! I am the fucking one being questioned about my right..that's what i am in your eyes...all of yours eyes...

My Brothers Don't Like My Boyfriend 😱[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now