chapter 145

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[ long messy chapter warning.....i know some of you are smiling seeing this warning 😌]

Tae slowly opens his eyes feeling a steady movement under his head. Feels like someone was breathing & he can feel the heartbeat too...slow but steady sound of someone's deep breath....& a little groaning??

Tae smiles....he looks at the face whose breathing sound he was hearing till now...

Jungkook was sleeping soundly...his eyelids were moving a little...mouth slightly open...his one hand was on tae's waist & another was on under his own head.

Tae keeps looking at him for sometimes. Then puts his own hands on Jungkook's chest under his own chin...if feels so good to see jungkook sleeping like that....he was finding difficulty to fall asleep,huh?? It doesn't seem like that now.

Good morning..tae murmurs looking at jungkook,smiling.

" Umm,good morning to you too taetae"

Tae jolts & looks beside him...jimin was squating beside the couch,smirking looking at tae & then jungkook...

H...tae lowers his voice looking at jungkook.....from how long are you here??

Umm...don't know...10 minutes?? Jimin says smiling.

Oh my god! & you were  just watching us?? Tae asks widening his eyes...

Yup...jimin chuckles...couldn't two looked too adorable...


Before tae finish...jungkook turns to the other side holding tae in his sleep...he was still in deep sleep to realize what's going on...tae tries to sit up but jungkook's was firm..

God! Wanna take a picture!! Jimin chuckles..

& i will kill you...tae chuckles too...

I suppose..but if you don't go back to your rooms now,jinnie & yoongi hyung see you like this,they will surely kill you,i can say that for sure...jimin smiles...

Yeah...true...tae murmurs...suddenly he noticed the blanket on them...he thinks it's probably jimin who put it on them...

Thanks Minnie...tae says softly....jimin thinks it's for the waking up call....

Agh! Shut up with that thanks.....wake him up...i am going back...i needed some water so i woke up...thank god it wasn't jin hyung or someone else...& saw two cut puppies sleeping in here...couldn't resist....jimin i am missing my boyfriend after seeing you two like this...i am going back to him....take your time...

Jimin says walking away waving his hand...tae smiles & looks at jungkook...

Hyungiee,wake up...tae says softly,holding jungkook's face....jungkook doesn't even wake a little bit,but holds tae firmly...

Tae hugs him back nuzzling...wake up hyung,it's already morning...we have to go back...

5 more minutes...jungkook says sheepishly...

5? Fixed??

No,10..jungkook murmurs...

God! No! Wake up....tae murmurs....

Okay,2mins then....jungkook says softly...

You are already awake though...what do you need that two min for?? Tae says smiling...

Two minutes to say you 'good morning' properly...jungkook opens his eye looking at tae....tae smiles softly...

How did we end up sleeping here?? Tae asks touching jungkook's nose with his finger tips...

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