side story 5

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What's with him!

Soobin says kicking on a little stone in frustration..

Soobin waited for yeonjun for so long in one classroom if he could see yeonjun after his council meeting.. But couldn't even get a glimpse of his shadow... He didn't return... Maybe the meeting is still going on... Or maybe...

Maybe didn't return because he knows soobin was waiting for him??

What is this new attitude... Soobin scoffs thinking..

Does avoiding me giving him all the pleasure of revenge, or something? Like not talking to me gonna help.. & here he said..

Soobin pause on his thoughts in annoyance...

Here he said he loves me.. Was that all a pretend or something.. How can you be this mad on someone you love? That shithead..

Soobin kicks on another rock saying the last part..

Okay fine.. I made the mistake first.. What he is expecting.. I won't be shocked at all after hearing he loves me? He never showed it to me b~

Soobin pause again.. He was like fighting with his own self..

It's all me fault.. He actually showed his heart to me from long ago.. & i couldn't see it.. I am a dumb person.. Okay.. Not all people are intelligent... But i am also a human being... Right?? Ain't i suppose to make mistakes?

Soobin whines looking ahead..

How am i going to correct my mistakes if you aren't totally giving me any chance but avoiding me instead?

How can you treat me like this... Soobin sighs..

" i want to see you"

He murmurs inside...

He says looking around this time to find niana...he told niana to go first.. But didn't even tell her that he was still in the school... So to the last moment... He felt like he should tell this to her by himself.. & make sure she hopped on the car safely..

He was already feeling guilty not informing niana properly about it.. It took him too long to wait for yeonjun.. In the end.. He couldn't meet yeonjun either..

I fucking missed her already... Didn't i?? I should hav~~

Soobin halts at his place... Widening his eyes suddenly.. He feels he was seeing things or something.. He feels blank for a second... But his sense rush up immediately... & a scream leaves up to his lips... Looking at some direction..

" hey! What the fuck... Where are you taking h~~"

He again halts at his words.. His whole body jerks up seeing a certain back pack.. & a girl, some people were forcefully holding on... The girl was struggling weakly as they were taking her to a black car...

N.. Niana!

He screams again... He tries to rush there.. But his feet feels numb... It was too late when he finally reach there.. Unfortunately the car already started to one direction...

& the main thing was, the people in that car knows well, when, at what time, there won't be any people in this area...

Hey wait! Soobin manages screaming again, running behind the car... No car was around... Not even a taxi to reach up..

He takes out his phone... Not loosing the sight of the car...

& fortunately finds a car to catch up to the other car.. The driver understands he might be in a hurry.. & does what he was told to...

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