chapter 70

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It's 8am...

Jin was still sleeping on his bed soundly...he turns at namjoon's side,still closing his eyes...

He slowly opens his eyes...he was still sleepy...

As soon as he opens his eyes...he turns red,blushing....

Namjoon was looking at him contently..

it seems like he was looking at him from a long time

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. seems like he was looking at him from a long time...jin again goes under his blanket covering his head under it..he feels so shy seeing namjoon staring at him like that..

Namjoon smiles...then he warps his hand on jin over the blanket & pulls him closer....he slowly pulls the blanket a little to see jin's face...

Jin shyly peeks at him...he blushes again...

Good morning babe

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Good morning babe...

Namjoon says smiling softly...

Good morning....jin warps his hand around Namjoon too embrace him...then buries his head on namjoon's chest....

Did you sleep well last night??

Namjoon says softly brushing on jin's hair..

Hmm....jin hums in reply...

Look at me...Namjoon says holding jin's face...jin rises his head..& looks at him..

Namjoon leans & softly pecks on jin's lips...

You are so beautiful....

Aish...stop....jin again hides his face,blushing...

Namjoon pulls him again close to him to hug him perfectly...

Are you shy??

Namjoon smiles softly...

Aren't you getting ready for office?? It's already 8am...jin says's been long time they spend their time like this in each other's embrace...


Why? Jin asked confusedly....

I am staying with you today...

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