chapter 115

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Shut up hyung..

Jimin says looking at yoongi...

What?? What did i do...this idiot is the one who called jin hyung 'grumpy old man'..i don't know man,how bad jin hyung felt..but if someone called me ' grumpy old man'..i would probably killed him already..i don't remember...did he call u ugly or something before?? As far as i can remember he did i guess....god!! The most handsome man in worldwide..whom people Admire a lot..if he gets to call ugly or grumpy old man..thatz least that's for me..i am that much concern for my brother...yoongi says shaking his head helplessly...

Where's my fucking gun!!!!

Namjoon grabs jin tightly from behind....jimin covers yoongi's mouth with his both hands.

Jungkook was scratching his head looking down...& there was tae...who was looking at his boyfriend,then his was too much for him to process right now..

Babe...calm down..okay?? Namjoon says remember you are the most beautiful person in this world?? You are forgiving??

Forgive my ass!!! Let me go!!!

Tae stands in front of jungkook covering him behind.

Be a bigger person babe...he is young in age too...forgive him..

No!! I am gonna kill this bastard!!! Yoongi is right..this fucking mannerless idiot deserves to be killed...yoongi..go & bring your baseball bat...

Yeah hyung.anything else?? Hockey stick..rod or something??..yoongi nods immediately...but jimin grabs him too...

Hyung....tae whines looking at him..

Don't you dare to move from here...jimin says.

Why?? I am not getting it..why you guys are stopping jin hyung?? Let him they can have a friendly talk...yoongi says..

Yoongi..stop making things worse..will you?? Both hobi & jimin says...

Yoongi is right! This person is rude as fuck.he behaved rudely with me the first time we meet...he doesn't have any manner...he doesn't know how to talk with elders .he deserves to get a beat...jin says struggling in Namjoon's hold...

He behaved well with me first time though...hobi says scratching his head...

Right..hobi hyung is absolutely right...Jungkook says supporting him.

"Shut up" Both yoongi & jin says looking at hobi..& tae says looking at Jungkook...

Why are you standing with my kiddo?? Get the fuck away from him..

He is taetae's boyfriend hyung...jimin says softly...

Jungkook nods continuously in that...

I don't care jeon fucking Jungkook...get the fucking away from our kiddo...

Yeah thatz what i was saying from a long guys weren't hearing me..

Jin looks at yoongi affectionately...

" I did you wrong yoongi. Your brother did you wrong..Please forgive your elder brother."

Yoongi was in a overwhelmed state right now...he looks at jin affectionately..

It's okay hyung..everything for are my can do anything..i am not like a specific someone who will act on that..

Jin & yoongi keeps looking at each other like they have found the holy light of truth after a long time...

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