chapter 88

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Sensei i can't tell you how happy i was when you call me & ask me to meet here....i knew you will call me..

Hyeri says looking at jungkook,smiling brightly...

You knew i will call you?? Jungkook smiles back... you are not confused anymore...

Confused? Jungkook asks again..

Yeah..confused that you like that loser..confused that you like boys...she replies smiling looking at jungkook.. i was confused before...

Yeah..& it's not your fault's a disease..finally you are cured now...

So i am cured now?? Should i thank you for curing me?? Jungkook smiles my way??

She was looking at jungkook with lust in her eyes..

Come here..jungkook waves his hand...

I will go to hell also if you tell me to...she says walking towards jungkook...

I am glad sensei you realize what you don't deserve that lo~~~

She stops talking when jungkook's strong slap falls on her cheek & she falls on the ground...


What did you call him?? I will fucking pull your tongue,you bitch!  Jungkook says coldly...

What did you call him?? I will fucking pull your tongue,you bitch!  Jungkook says coldly

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I fucking should have did this earlier..things won't turn out like this if i did tell me...why the fuck you did that!!!!!

I..i did what??? Hyeri says pretending...

You don't remember?? Should i make you remember?? What did you do that night at the bar??

I..i did came onto me...

I came onto you?? Who the fuck you think you are?? Did you see your face in the mirror??

Sensei!!! W..why are you behaving like this!! We were having a great time that even kissed me back...

That happened because i was drunk...if i was in my right mind..i would kill you just at that moment..& wash my hands & mouth more than hundred times after touching you...consider yourself lucky that i wasn't in sense...

Hyeri starts sobbing looking at jungkook...

Why you has to choose a boy over me?? Am i not beautiful?what he has that i don't have?? Can't you realize it's sick?? It's a isn't normal...a..a boy can't be in love with another boy..are you blind?? I have more than he could ever offer to me will never regret...

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