chapter 61

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I love you i love you i love you sooooo much!!!!

Tae hugs jimin jumping on him...jimin who was holding a water bottle in his hand almost spilled the water...

Aish this kid..he smiles softly...what gotten into you early in the morning baby?? Jimin asks hugging tae back...

You don't know if you weren't there yesterday,what disaster would happen...

Yesterday?? Jimin asks confusedly...what happened yesterday.....

If you didn't come to the garden yesterday~~

Garden?? Jimin says blankly...then suddenly widen his were there!!!tree house?? At that moment!!!wait..jimin grabs tae's shoulder..don't tell me...your boyfriend...he was there too!!!!!

Tae scratches behind of his head looking down....

Oh my god!!!!! Like,really!!!!

Tae nods in reply..

Now i am feeling shiver inside know...yoongi was just outside of that tree house hearing some noise there...that was too risky taetae....but i am not thinking that right now...right now what exactly coming to my mind is....jimin looks at tae....

I didn't get the chance to see your boyfriend!!! Jimin says whining...

Aww...tae pinch on jimin's will see him soon..i promise....

Jimin suddenly notice something on tae's neck..

Yeah..but first we have to take care of it before yoongi see this..or else he will start a war over this...jimin says pointing at the hickey marks on tae's neck.. Tae suddenly realize what jimin is talking about & hides it with his hand,blushing...

Jimin takes tae to his room..then makes tae sit on the bed..he walks other side of the room..then grabs some stuffs & come close to tae...

Why do you have a concealer?? Tae asks confusedly...

Why do you think?? I have to hide lots of things like that on a regular know....jimin says blushing...

So intense. Ha?? Tae says smirking...

Yeah.. Just like your shut up... Jimin replies slapping on tae's head...

Um taetae..jimin says softly....


Don't get hurt..okay ?? I can't bear it if you will get hurt ever in your life.i understand why yoongi is like that..just.. Don't get hurt..thatz it...we love you...

Tae hugs jimin warping his hand on jimin's waist..

I won't get hurt minne...& i know you all wish the good for me..i am your baby after all.

Yeah...jimin replies patting on tae's head...
At school (after class)

Tae was sitting on the rooftop putting his headphone on his ear...he was sitting on the ground closing his eyes

he was sitting on the ground closing his eyes

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