chapter 113

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Kims mansion

Sir...may i help you??

Guard asks looking at the man standing right at the front gate..trying to peek inside...

"Yeah."..that man replies..." Can you tell me if there's someone inside name "younghoon"?? I don't know if he works here or not...i"~~ that man gets cut out by the guard..

You mean young master?? Guard says confusedly...

Young master?? No that can't be...that man replies blankly...

There's only one man lived with that name...& that's our young master...guard replies..

Ah...i heard the person i am looking for,lives here...can i talk to any other person?? Can you talk inside??

Do you have any appointment sir??

No...but i really need to meet someone from this's urgent...can you please call inside?? That man pleads...

That man thinks for sometimes...then calls inside...

A servant looks at jin who was going out...

Is there anything ronald?? I am being late for my restaurant...jin replies..

There's a man outside master...he wants to meet you...he said it's urgent...& he mentioned about younghoon master...

Jin frowns hearing that...

Hoonie?? He thinks for sometimes...okay..let him come...
Jin was looking at the man who was sitting on the living room & roaming his eyes around wonder...

Hello..jin says can i help you..

That man looks at jin..then smiles widely..

Hello...i actually came here to meet someone...i think he works here...i was searching for him from a long time...finally i heard he lives here..when i asked your guard..he told me some weird things..& i don't believe that..thatz why i wanted to meet someone from this house...i think i am not disturbing you...that man says smiling..

Jin doesn't know why..but he actually doesn't like his smile..

Whom are you searching for?? Jin asks..

Younghoon?? Does he lives here?? I mean works here?? Your driver..butler..or anything??

Jin frowns hearing that...

Why are you talking about my kid like that?? Why younghoon will do those?? He is an uni student..

Then i think we are talking about two different person..i am sorry...there's no way i am talking about your kid....then why his neighbor told me he perhaps lives here...that man says confusedly...

Jin keeps looking at him frowning...

Do you have any picture of him? The person you are looking for?? I can then tell you if he is here or not...

Ah...i think i have a picture of him from three or four years of my relative send that to me...i don't have any of his recent me show you...that man shows jin a picture almost torn apart..barely stucked together with some tape...there's a boys blurry picture..that boy is wearing a delivery boy's outfit with a shops name in was blurry..but clear enough to recognize that boy's face...

Jin widen his eyes immediately...

Why do you have my kid's picture??

Your kid?? That man frowns have younghoon became your kid all of a sudden....

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