chapter 36

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Is there something on my face sensei???

Tae says looking down...his mind was darkening in anger...he & jungkook was sitting right now on the empty classroom for his so called "tutoring after class"...


Tae looks at jungkook frowning his eyebrows...

What??? Jungkook smiles innocently....

Tae grind his teeth in anger...

Control tae control..... Tae start counting...


Yeah tae...control can do it...fighting!!!!! Jungkook says smiles...

Tae ignores jungkook..he needs to calm down....he looks down at his english book....

Jungkook balance his face on his two hand plams

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Jungkook balance his face on his two hand plams...he keeps looking at tae without blinking..

Suddenly he pokes on tae's nose.....

Tae looks at him jolting...

How can this little tiny cute red nose contains so much anger in it????

Jungkook says looking at him....suddenly tae's ear turns into red...

W..what?? Tae replies stammering...


Okay sensei...thatz enough now...tae says putting his book close...why are you doing this???what do you want??you are getting into my nerves right now...

At least i am getting into something which is yours..right?? I am happy...jungkook replies proudly...

Tell me...why are you doing this?? You said i should just be your student.right?? I accepted that..i wanna be just your student now..nothing else...then what is your problem?? am i getting into your way?? Am i bothering you like before??no,na?? Then why are you doing this kinda shitty thing...tae says in irritation...

Cause....i don't wanna be your sensei anymore....

Then fucking won't be my sensei anymore...simple...tae replies...

Then can i apply for your "boyfriend" Position after that??

Jungkook smirks....

Tae keeps looking at him speechless...

I don't want a boyfriend like you...

what qualities you need in your boyfriend then?? Jungkook asks..

Ummm...i don't know...probably the only quality he should have...he won't be "jeon Jungkook"....tae says snickering...

Awww....don't say like that...we don't know how fate will play with us.....Jungkook replies...

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