chapter 84

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[Smut chapter warning : why am i warning though...we all are dirty enjoy ✌🏻]

G..gukkie....complete me today...make me yours forever.....

Jungkook's body shivers hearing that... it really okay??? W..what if i hurt you?? Jungkook says putting his head on tae's chest...

I..i know you can't hurt will never hurt me...tae says cupping his face..jungkook keeps looking at tae's face for sometimes...his lips were slightly trembling...his body too...he was was clearly be seen that he was scared too....

I..i want you jungkook....please..tae says biting on his lower lip to stop himself from trembling...

T..then....jungkook touch tae's face with his plam...tae closes his eyes leaning on jungkook's plam... me...okay?? I..i want you to trust me now...completely....jungkook says firmly...

Tae looks at jungkook's eyes...then nods in reply...

H..have you ever heard about this before...this thing this works Jungkook says softly...hesitating... i searched yesterday a little bit...not clearly enough...

It's okay...together...we can learn...i guess..jungkook says shyly...then looks up at tae...

Tell me..if it's too much...okay?? Jungkook says softly...

Tae nods slowly...

Jungkook slowly rise his head towards tae....tae leans a little to meet in touch with his boyfriend...before capturing tae's lip..jungkook jungkook touch tae's lips with his,for feels like he was trying to feel how softly tae's lips are...tae sighs in jungkook's warmth...

Finally they kiss each other closing their eyes..they kissed before...many times...all of those were perfect for's's kinda more passionate...there's something...that they were more sinking in that kiss...

Jungkook licks on tae's lower lip..tae whimpers in jungkooks mouth...

Babe...jungkook says murmuring when there lips are still linked up....

Open your mouth...& pull out your tongue a little...

Tae puts his both hands on jungkook's thighs...then opens his mouth slowly looking at jungkook...then takes his tongue a little out...

This sight was making jungkook crazy...he was hardening up...

He pulls tae closer to himself again & starts sucking tae's tongue...tae clutch on jungkook's hair fistfully....

They were groaning inside each others mouth...jungkook was tasting every bit of tae cavern..

B..babe...your lips..ah...they taste like strawberry....wh..whenever i taste them...i wanna taste them more...jungkook says groaning & kissing tae hungrily...

Ah...tae whimpers when jungkook suddenly bites on tae's lip..tae claws on jungkook's shoulder...jungkook tilts his head to deepen that kiss...they mold there lips with each other like there's no tomorrow..there time stopped here...

Tae first pulls out from that kiss out of breath.. His lips were swollen of jungkook's biting...& cherry red...he keeps panting heavily looking at does jungkook himself...

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