chapter 12

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I don't want to be your brother hyung....

Namjoon declares sadly looking into jin's eyes..

Wh-what??? Jin stands up  in shock...he tries to hold Namjoon...but Namjoon takes a steps back..

Jin stops looking at Namjoon heartbroken...

Hyung...Namjoon says looking down...

I...i will go now hyung.....

Where are you going!!! Jin asks worriedly...he doesn't want Namjoon to go anywhere...why are you doing this joonie..what happened to you all of a sudden..

I..i am going nowhere hyung...not until i complete the project i have will take a little time...after completing that project..i..i will handover everything to you...& then...

& then what?? Jin asks coldly...

Namjoon looks at jin again...he smiles...

I just want to return the favor i have cherished till now hyung....i..i am a ungrateful person who dreamed of something which i shouldn't...i was dreaming hyung..i didn't want to wake up from that dream..but i forgot...i have to wake up eventually & face the reality...that reality slapped me hard hyung....

Joonie!! Jin holds namjoon's face with his hands...look at me!!!!you are not in are not like this....obviously something never called me hyung before...but recently..u never talk about favor & all...but now you are saying know how much i care for you???how much dad & mom used to love you?? They loved you like their own son.did they ever consider you as an outsider?? Did we do that ever?? No,na??? Then why are you saying this...tae,jimin,hobi,suga all love you...i love saying this you are not only hurting yourself,you are hurting me are our brother...i cherished all of you with my hurt...i love all my brothers & want only good for you...yo~

Namjoon push jin away for him...jin widen his eyes to see him like that...

Hyung...i..i am tired...i am tired of everything... to me...we can't solve everything if we talk...i know...i know my will~

Brother brother brother!!!!! Why are you calling me that!!! I don't want to be your brother!!! Can't you see i am in pain!!! Namjoon shouts crying...

Joonie....tell me please what happened to you...i can't bear to see you like this...what gotten into you recently??? Jin says with foaming eyes...

Namjoon steps rushly towards jin..then holds his arms with his strong hands...

Ahh...joonie you are hurting me...jin says in pain...

What gotten into me?? gotten into me!!! You are the reason i am like this...

Wh-what are you talking about joonie...jin was shocked to see his calm joonie bursting like this...

You are still not getting it?? You can't still realize??? Fine....let me say this clearly hyung....

Jin looks at Namjoon confusedly..

I,kim Namjoon..fucking love you kim seokjin!!!!

You..what?? Jin widen his eyes... heard me...i am fucking in love with you...i am in love with you from long ago...from the day i first saw you..from that day you become my world..from that day i think of nothing but you..i am still breathing cause you are in front of me..i feel alive because i see you in front of my eyes..i feel alive when i see you smiling..i work hard to give you a life i never had before in my childhood..i work hard so that in future you don't lack of anything...i work hard to give you everything you desire..i never call you hyung,u say?? How can i call you hyung when i love you as my life partner?? Yes,kim seokjin..i want you as my life partner...i always dreamed of that..i thought Someday,on a fucking right time...i will tell you everything...maybe..maybe you will pity me one day...i thought maybe you will realize how much i love you..but i was wrong..i was fucking wrong never think the way i are planning to settle down..with the girl you love...& i am a stupid who was dreaming of something out of my dare am i to think you will love me back!!! How ungrateful i can be!!! How ungrateful i can be towards mom & & dad,they let me stay here as their son..they trust me blindly..& look..what have i done..i end up loving their own son..god!!..i am an unfilial son hyung..& you made me realize made me realize that it's high time i should wake up from my dream...i...i won't bother you anymore hyung...whatever feelings i have for you..i will grave them inside my don't mind me...i won't ever stand before you shouting my feelings for you again..i know you only loved me as your brother...but from today are not gonna do that too...i promise hyung..i won't ever bother you...i will take my leave from your life...i promise...

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