chapter 63

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How long are you planning to stand up there??

Tae says on his phone looking down at jungkook..

Untill you forgive me...jungkook says softly..

It's freezing out don't have to put up with this sensei..go back to your home...

I am not going unless you forgive me...jungkook replies softly..

It doesn't matter if i forgive you or not. You will do the same again when our point of won't match with each will call me brat or ill mannered's nothing did it before my forgiveness doesn't actually matter..

Jungkook feels sad inside..yeah..he did it before too..he judged tae without thinking he feel regret doing that...

I..i am sorry baby..please forgive me..i won't do that again..i am actually sorry..i..i feel empty inside me if you keep being mad at me. I feel worse inside. I really apologize tae...

Are you done??

Babe...please...i won't do that again...please forgive me...


Saying this tae hungs up..& go away from the window..

Jungkook keeps looking at the window for sometimes sadly..then he looks down..his heart was hurting much.....

Jungkook looks ahead of him hearing the noise...his face suddenly brighten ups seeing tae walking towards him..

Tae..he murmurs..his eyes were almost foaming with tears...

Why you are so stubborn..

Tae says coming close to him..

Go back's freezing out here...

Will you forgive me then?? Jungkook asks hopefully looking at tae..


Tae replies..then comes more closer...he pulls off the muffler from his neck.then warps it around jungkook's neck covering his ears..then he holds jungkook's hand..

Jungkook keeps looking at him affectionately when he was doing that .

Your hands..they are freezing cold...tae takes jungkook's hand..then holds it in his cheek...

They are?? Jungkook asks smiling softly..

Yeah...tae replies...he pulls off his hand gloves too...then he starts to put it on jungkook's hand...

Don't. You will catch cold...jungkook says in a concerned tone...

Sshhhh....tae keeps doing what he was doing...i won't...i am going back will be the one will catch cold if you don't wear can you leave your home without any warmer on?? How careless you can be jungkook?? You live alone.Who will take care of you if you fall sick??

Tae says in an annoyed tone...

I am sure my boyfriend will take care of me..he loves me a lot..he is taking care of me right now even though he is angry at i am sure,he will...jungkook smiles...

So shameless of you jungkook..i am angry at you..& you are are a real know that?? Tae says caressing on jungkook's cheek.

I can be a dork forever if you care for me like this...jungkook smiles softly...jungkook warps his hand around tae taking him in his warm embrace...tae hops on jungkook's chest like a little kitten warping his hand around....

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