chapter 122

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Jungkook warps tae in his Black bathrobe..then caries him in his lap...& comes out of the washroom carrying him.

Gosh! You tire the shit out of me today! Tae says leaning to jungkook's chest.

Sorry...jungkook chuckles.

You don't even mean that 'sorry'..shameless gukkie...

Aww..did i went to far babe??

Jungkook says sitting on the bed holding tae on his lap,so tae's face was in his shoulder now.

Yeah?? I told you to stop...many times..but you kept going,you beast!!! Tae whines..even after when you said you are going to give me a real bath.

But i thought someone was feeling too good to be coming continuously..his moan was echoing in the walls,like " Daddy do it harder,do it deeper..ah that feels good..make me cum..." I am not complaining though. That was a real turn on..Jungkook chuckles.

Tae push up & looks at jungkook's face..his face was all read from blushing. He covers jungkook's mouth.

Shut up you idiot!!! I am not gonna let you touch me again! Tae says at almost at the verge of crying.

Jungkook keeps looking at him for sometimes. Then pulls his closer by his waist. Then starts rubbing on tae's back..tae let go off jungkook's mouth hiding his face on jungkook's shoulder.

There there..jungkook says trying to make tae at ease.i am sorry...i won't do that again..don't cry.ok? How did you become devil6 leader,again??

Shut up...tae says slapping on jungkook's arms. seriously..i sometimes wonder how can this adorable cute baby can be devil6 group leader..what's the secret?? Jungkook says softly.

Tae looks at him for sometimes...

The secret is 'you'.

Jungkook looks at his face...

I will tell you something funny today..listen..okay??

Tae keeps silent then sits on jungkook's lap facing in front..jungkook was sitting behind nuzzling on the crook of tae's neck.

When i first went to America,alone far from my brothers..i got was a whole new world for me & a world,i don't like a bit. My grandpa was there with me..though my grandpa loved me a lot & probably i am the only one who got most of his affection..but he was himself a very strict person. He can't tolerate delicacy..he couldn't tolerate people will sink in sadness..will shed tears...he actually despised tears a there's a rules made by him which kept running in my family except one day when jin hyung said " Fuck that rules & do whatever you want"..tae smiles a little saying that...he was looking down...

Jungkook was listening to him silently.

& that rules was..." Kims can't cry"..because it's not know....i was just a can i understand what being manly means at that time?? I was far from my yoongi hyung..far from my minnie...& far from my each n every brother i cherish i kept missing them...kept crying in a grandpa i told you..he hate tears..but he loves me a lot..thatz why he didn't got that strict with me..he started spending his times with me..he didn't talk much at first..just kept sitting beside me putting his hand on my head whenever i am crying n all. No consoling words.or anything..just sat...& i will tell you...that worked..tae paused.

I didn't understand it at that time..but i do now..for people...they will think my grandpa was a cruel person..but i don't think so..i think he was a man with wise heart.

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