chapter 10

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                              me your hand...

Jin looks carefully at the wound....

It's recovering soon...did you take your medicine today??

Yeah hyung....tae replies...

Taetae...don't go school with me...we didn't play video game in a long time...hobi says whining..

Um...hyung...i have to go school today. I have some important thing...

School is more important to you than your hobi hyung!!! I am hurt...i am so hurt...hobi pouts... hugs hobi from behind...

You are most important to me can you compare yourself to school though....

Don't tease him hobi...he has to go school today..jin says looking at them...

Hyung...aren't you going to the restaurant today?? Tae asks looking at jin...

Not today....jin smiles...i have a date today....

Date!!!!!!! Tae & hobi both screams.....finally!!!!

When!! Where!!! With whom!!!! How does that person looks like!! They asks continuously....

Ahh!!! Let me answer one by one...

When - this evening
Where - i am not telling you will sure appear there & ruin our that's a no...

With whom - i met her in my restaurant..we talked earlier a little...he name is jisoo...i guess...she is a nice girl...she asked me out for a date...& i don't have any reason to say guess...

Look like - she is very beautiful...

That all i can say....

Awww....tae & hobi looks at him with
glittering eyes...

Wish you luck for the date hyung...

What date...

Three of them look at Namjoon who just came from upstairs...

Jin hyung is going to a date today...wish him luck hyung....hobi says excitedly...

Namjoon looks at jin for sometimes... are going to a date....he says looking down...

Yeah...i guess...jin replies scratching his head back....

Why suddenly...Namjoon asks without thinking...

What joonie?? Jin asks confusedly...tae & hobi both looks at Namjoon...

I asked why you are suddenly going to a date?? I remember once you said you won't date anyone ever...Namjoon says looking into his eyes...

Gulp...jin feels awkward.he didn't think out of all kiddos,Namjoon will be the one asking him this..his this brother who doesn't really talk very much..

Um..i think it's high time..someday i have to be settled..why not now...jisoo...she is a nice girl...i hope she will love you all like i do....i don't need love in my life...i just need someone who will understand me...

So she will understand you?? Namjoon asks looking down...

Yeah...i guess...

Then good luck hyung....Namjoon looks at jin smiling....

Jin widen his eyes...thatz the first time Namjoon Ever called him hyung...his smile..why does that smile seems like lifeless???

I...i think i won't be back tonight...Namjoon says looking down...

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