chapter 27

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Jungkook was passing by tae's classroom...he looks inside...but frowns immediately finding tae's seat's their self study period...why he is not there...did he went back home...??

Tae's face suddenly pops up on his head...he was crying his heart out....jungkook feels ache in his heart thinking about tae...

The class president suddenly comes out of the class holding a ton of books in his hands....

Good afternoon sensei...he bows down his head...

Good everyone present in the's your self study period...right??..jungkook says looking at him..

No taehyung is not here...don't know why...but i saw him going to the roof a while ago...

The roof????what?? Jungkook widen his eyes....

Suddenly an ominous thought emerged in his tae trying to hurt himself again?? Why did he go to the rooftop just after talking to me then??he is not going to hurt himself...right?? He will be alright...right???

Jungkook feels his throat was drying suddenly in fear...he turns & runs towards the rooftop...

Sensei....myung tilts his head in confusion...why sensei is running like that??

Jungkook pants heavily when he reached the last step of the staircase...he was standing right in front of the door...holding his stomach as he ran as fast as possible & breathing heavily...he reach his hand to hold the nob & open it...but stops when he hears two familiar voices...

Did you love her back then tae??

Love?? I didn't know the meaning of love that time baek ssi...i didn't feel my heart racing..i didn't pass my time thinking about her all the day..i didn't feel touching her in that way...or doing anything to cross the line..i didn't feel like that ever..but it felt to be around her...we talked..we talked a friends??i liked talking to her...i thought...if time passes by...probably i will fall in love...i will be able to break the boundary & named the relationship as something related to love..i needed someone whom i can rely on...who won't leave me in the end....she what can i say...i trusted her baek ssi...this word 'trust' can explain everything i guess...i trusted her a lot...i thought..i can trust her fully...but...but when i saw her...& my bandmate...doing that in the dressing room...sweating all over......i...i felt so betrayed baek ssi......i really felt that way...i didn't ask for anything but loyalty towards her...i just wanted her to stay beside me..not leave me like everyone else...but she did that too in the end...she left me...i was so frustrated....if..if she told me that she doesn't like me...she likes my bandmate...i...i guess...i won't feel like that...i won't feel so betrayed...i would let her go...but she did that behind my back...& you know what...she even tried to convince me that was a mistake...she wants me back....tae smirks...

The image i saw that day on the dressing room...that never left my mind after that...i thought so much about that...what the real problem was....i keep thinking..but didn't got any finally got my answer baek ssi...

Tae turns & looks at baek..

I got the answer baek ssi...the was always me...i am the root of every,someone told me i was his mistake...thatz when i realized....i was probably...i was probably her mistake too....i did the same mistake again baek ssi....i was the accident they made in their's not her's not 'his' fault....i am the one at was always me....

Jungkook was hearing everything from the door...hearing this,he seats against the wall...his head was spinning....

That's why he said 'again' ???

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