chapter 57

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Will you be my boyfriend??

Jungkook jolts hearing that..he lift up tae in his arms...then looks directly to his eyes..

What tae??? Tell me again??? Jungkook says in an overwhelmed tone...

Shuut...tae covers his face blushing...i am not saying that again....

Please baby...once more please...just once...Jungkook pleads...

Tae looks down at him...then smiles...

Jungkook...will you be my boyfr~

Jungkook suddenly storm on tae's lips pulling him by his back...

He kissed tae like he didn't do was soft with full of love..not a single drop of lust was there..tae feels the warmth in that kiss...he kiss Jungkook back...

Jungkook pulls away from that kiss first..then looks at tae who was panting right now...

Yes!!!!! Yes tae!! A thousand times yes!!!! Jungkook smiles softly...

Tae's face brightens up...he leans again & kiss jungkook..

I love you tae...

I love you too sensei....

I am so happy today tae!! I can't explain how happy i am right now!!!!

You are?? Tae says smiling...

Yeah..i am on cloud nine right now...

Okay okay stay there,but put me down first...tae says smiling..

No!!!! I won't!!! I wanna hold you like this forever...jungkook replies softly...

Aish!!! Someone will see us..put me down...

Then say again that you love me!! Jungkook replies stubbornly...

Put me down first...

I won't!!!

Please sensei....

Then tell me you love me first...

Tae are more stubborn than me....then looks at jungkook's eyes...he grabs jungkook's face in his hands...

Sensei..I love you..i love you a lot..i love you so much that if i strain myself anymore,i am going to die.i love you so much that it feels like killing me when i was controlling myself & staying away from you..i love you so much that you can't even imagine..just i can say...if you leave me now..i won't be pull myself together anymore...i love you that much....&~~~.....sensei,why are you crying???

Tae says wiping tears from jungkook's eyes...

I...i love you too tae..i won't leave you...i promise...

Okay...i am counting on that then...tae buries jungkook's head on his chest..jungkook's hugs him tightly...

Ring ring...

Tae looks at his phone...jin was calling him...

Sensei...i have to go's getting late..hyung will be worried...

Okay...i will drop you home..jungkook replies...


Don't worry...i will drop you far from your home..your hyungs won't see us...jungkook pats on tae's head...

Okay..tae smiles softly...

At kims mansion

Yoongi was sitting alone on the living room..all of them returned home except tae and hobi..hobi stayed behind because he wanted to go back to his studio...jin was working on the kitchen..& Namjoon was in his study room..

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