chapter 133

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*previous day at the bbq party*

Ninin...say aaah..

Yoongi says holding a meat piece in his hand & blowing it to cool it down...then raises his hand to feed it to her,while she was sitting on baek's shoulder..

It's good? Yoongi asks.

It's yum yum..she replies clapping...

Okay i am cooling some more for you then...yoongi says...

Feed baeky too!! Niana demands..

Okay...yoongi smiles a little...

Everyone was either gossiping,eating or serving food...

Yoongi warps smoky meat in lettuce leaf then feeds it to baek..

Everything okay at school?? Yoongi asks while cutting meat pieces for niana..

Yeah hyung..baek replies...

You two are studying well??

Yes hyung..we are helping each other in that...baek smiles..

Good...if you two get stucked in something,you can ask me...he replies..

Tae is so good to seems easier when he solves any it's easy to learn faster...baek replies again..

I heard you are so good in math too...taetae told me...

Baek scratch his head shyly in that complement...

What do you wanna do in future?? Yoongi asks feeding niana...anything decided yet?

Baek nods silently...

Yoongi keeps looking at him for answer..

I want to be a lawyer...baek exclaims confidently...

Yoongi keeps silent..

Any particular reason for that??yoongi asks.

Baek keeps silent to arrange his words in mind probably...

My father..he was accused with something he never that time i was little..we didn't have much money to hire a good father got bailed..but that accusation didn't Leave his shadow..whenever people looked at him..started pointing their fingers at father isolated himself from this society..from us...shame was eating him alive for a mistake that he never had when it was too much for him..he....

Baek paused...Yoongi doesn't say anything...he keeps listening silently....

We were under a huge mom started to get taunt from mom's only hope was the restaurant dad left for's not a big restaurant..nothing special..but my mom started working so hard with it...people first..much didn't come to our restaurant...but then few started to come...still now...

I still believe..if we had a good lawyer at that time,my father won't lead a life of father still would be i want to be a lawyer in that...any people,whom love..never had to lead that life my father did..the life me n mom did...

I was so useless at that time,couldn't do anything for my dad..for my mom...still..i can't do anything either...baek says looking down..

Are you sure?? Because in my are the most important person in this whole thing..yoongi says firmly..

Baek looks at him..

You are important..because all the things eomma could do that that time,it was possible because of you. A wife,whose husband just died,with false accusations..a huge debt in shoulder...still didn't lose hope..still didn't give up..but kept trying harder to bring everything back to its place..a huge courge is needed for that...& it was possible...'because you were there' were with your were giving her courage were her strength...looking at you she did all those things,normally which is impossible to do going through that miserable are calling yourself useless...".

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