chapter 131

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Good morning younger master.

Jungkook nods at the six people standing in his office room while entering..

Jungkook nods at the six people standing in his office room while entering

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Good morning..he replies..he takes his over coat off & his butler holds it to hang up..

Jungkook looks ahead at the fake smile others were holding in their eyes...

You are the supervisor,right?? Jungkook asks looking at one person,first thing entering his office..

Yes mr.jeon... explain..when i entered in office today,at the first floor,i saw the receptionist is not in her place,but a little afar standing with a male staff, drinking coffee &'s 9 in the's not even a break time yet..explain why is that??

Jungkook asks firmly putting his glasses on & looking at him..

Supervisor gulps looking down..he doesn't dare to reply that it's a usual scenario in this office...

Why aren't you answering anything?? That's your task to supervise..right??Jungkook says.

Y..yes sir...that man replies..

Then should i fire her or you actually..

S..sorry mr.jeon..that man says trembling.

I don't want something so that this kind of thing never happen again....i~~

Good morning mr.jeon..

Jungkook frowns immediately when the lady who called herself as his secretary enters...

Good morning mr.jeon today your~~

What is she doing here??

Jungkook says stopping her in the middle,raising his one eyebrow & looking at others,specially to the supervisor & accounting manager.

They Start sweating again..'s that...we couldn't hire anyone as your secretary in a short notice...w...we are searching our best...f..for a few days if possible...then....they replies stammering...

Jungkook keeps silent for sometimes...

Make it quick..i am giving you 4 days...

Yes sir...they replies...

Jungkook looks at his secretary...

In this four days,no inappropriate dress code will be allowed...if there's any,i won't hesitate to terminate you right there..

Jungkooo's secretary who was in the verge of crying right now,nods..

I told you to arrange all the records...did you do it?

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