chapter 109

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Where's my fluffyball??

Tae says pretending he doesn't know where his daughter hiding...

Niana giggles hiding behind her room's curtain..

Gukkie...did you see our daughter??

Our angel?? Ahhh!! I can't find her anywhere...where is she...jungkook says pretending too...

I am here...niana murmurs...

Did you hear that?? I think someone is under the bed...jungkook says eyeing tae..tae tries hard to control his laughter...

Yeah..i think so too... is behind the curtain...niana whispers again...

There is no one under this bed..i think she is in the closet...tae says to jungkook..

Yeah...let's see there....jungkook replies.

They both step asides & hides besides the curtain where niana couldn't see them..

Niana quickly comes out of the curtain & puts her hands on her waist..

I am here!!! Here!! Ahhh!! Why i have two pabo dads...she says sighing in jungkook & tae's stupidity.


Suddenly out of nowhere jungkook comes & caries her up on his arms...niana opens her mouth slightly in shock...

Pabo dads...huh?? Let this pabo dad do his pabo things...

Tae starts tickling besides niana's belly..niana giggles loudly on jungkook's arms...

D..don't...papa...ha...niana laughs hard when tae was tickling her...while giggling she suddenly bites on jungkook's arm....

Ouch!!!! Why did you bite me...your papa is tickling you...jungkook says fake crying...

She giggles again seeing jungkook fake crying...

Papa..papa u wanna bite dada like niana?? Niana says waving at tae...

& suddenly tae bites on jungkook's other arm...

Aish!!! Jungkook whines...

Does dada taste good???

Both niana & tae looks at jungkook...then starts giggling...then nods innocently...

Okay...enough of biting now...let's go to bed...jungkook says looking at them...

But tae & niana again looks as each other grinning suspiciously....

"No"!!! Jungkook realizes their plan...& it was too late...before that niana & tae bites jungkook again...


Jungkook whines laughing at their action..

Jungkook whines laughing at their action

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