chapter 153

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Pabo...people smiles when they are happy...& here you are crying....come here...

Jungkook smiles looking at tae...then again pulls tae closer.

Still it's a no...we can't...before you fully recover...

Only my shoulder is injured...other parts are perfectly alright...tae scoffs.

We can't babe...i promised your yoonyoon dad...i am gonna take proper care of you..i can't do anything that can cause you pain...Jungkook says caressing tae's cheek.

Agh!! Okay! Fine! Tae warps his one hand around Jungkook,sighing.

They keep silent for some moments.

As i thought...this is ridiculous..i can't do it....tae sighs.

Jungkook looks at tae....can't do what? He asks.

I can't lie to yoongi hyung. I am his kid. Why would i lie to my dad? This isn't right. It feels suffocated. He is the person,who always been honest to me. From childhood. He never lies to me. I don't like lying to him either.

Jungkook smiles softly stroking tae's hair.

He raised me up,he gave his everything to make sure i have everything for me. He didn't give me birth,but isn't that way too more than a parents who gives birth can do?? I never gets why we have to lie to our parents. Why we have to hide something from them. Do it secretly & regret the whole life thinking,' if i told my parents about this'....aren't we a part of them?? We are their shadow. If we don't hide it & come clean to them,probably they are gonna be angry once,twice,or more than that. But aren't they gonna realize it one day eventually & accept it?? We are their kids,right?

Why do we have to hide it,lie to them & give up thinking they never will understand. When we were children,didn't we made too much mistakes? They trusted on us,right? They didn't lie to us or hide anything or gave up on us. They told us what is right & what might be the wrong. That's how we grew up,right?? Now when we grew up,if we keep hiding & lying to them,won't they be hurt?? Thinking one day they trusted us with their all,now we don't even trust them with such things? I don't know about others,but i don't like to lie about anything to yoongi hyung. It's not like i like lying to others. But for yoongi hyung,i feel like i am betraying him...tae says looking down.

Jungkook sighs.

You know that was a really mature positive thinking?? & wise too?? I have never think anything to that extant. & i call myself a sensei. If i was that sensible,i wouldn't ever have a distance with my family,not from the beginning. If i told my dad what i feel,not lying,not hiding..i could embrace him much sooner. This thought fade away all the misunderstandings,negativity & everything that can possibly harm a relationship. You think that extant at this age. You are a kid every parents should be proud of...jungkook says carefully squeezing tae in his embrace.

I am not a kid their parents should be proud of...i lied too many times to hyung..tae sighs.

That's happened after we started to go out,right? You lied because you tried to save me. I am the reason you have to go through that....i am sorry babe....jungkook caress tae's cheek.

Tae looks at him.

I am the one who lied. Then how it was your fault. I should have think about it first....hyung always cared for me. Always loved me so much. What if except lying,i would tell him everything from the very first. He would be angry at first . But i know he always thinks of me. I could make him understand what i want. What is my happiness. I could do it with giving a little effort. But i choose not to. It was my fault. I some times wonder,as a parent,what yoongi hyung,jin hyung or namjoon hyung have to go through all the time. Now when i have ninin...this thoughts often go through my mind. & i feel so guilty & shameless,that~~~

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