chapter 129

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Tae keeps looking at the tv screen for sometimes..he doesn't say anything..not even a words..only keeps looking at the person on the screen,whom people are calling "jeon's new CEO"....he looks like his sensei..whom he has known for a long time..his boyfriend,whom he trust a lot..who doesn't hide anything from him..who tell him everything about himself...his daughter's dad...who informs every single details with him..

But why does this 'CEO of jeon corporation' doesn't feel familiar at all?? Why does he seems like a distant man??

Everyone looks at one has to express loudly,but everyone knows from tae's expression that he doesn't know anything of this..

Jimin holds tae's hand...

Hey,it's okay...calm down...jimin murmurs..

Tae looks at him...his expression was rough like stone..his eyes weren't sparkling like it used to do..he is not like his usual self,which he was a while ago..

I am alright minnie..tae replies firmly..

No you are not..jimin says softly...i can tell you aren't alright..& i can understand to him if you want..but i don't like you being like this..

I told you i am alright minnie..tae says again..i don't wanna talk about it anymore..


It's alright minnie...jin says...let him be...he doesn't know anything about this..he needs time to process..let him take his time...

He probably had some reasons taetae...Namjoon says...younghoon was standing behind them silently..

Everyone has some reason behind everything hyung...that doesn't change this fact he hide this big fact from me..& it's not like he hadn't plenty of time,that he couldn't...i just don't wanna talk about it now..i need to talk to him first.face to face....tae says bitterly.

It's okay if you wanna do it,but wait till evening..i think he is gonna be at company or in some press conference right now. So waiting will be a wise it after evening...&..please calm down..Namjoon exclaims..

Joonie,let taetae do it like the way he wants..jin says firmly...he has every right to be angry right now..

Babe..Namjoon murmurs..

Taetae..go meet him this evening..ask him what happened..& return with a satisfied answer...because i don't wanna see my kid holding this expression everytime i am gonna see you next..jin says come & finish your breakfast...everyone in the breakfast table...right now..!
Jungkook frowns seeing the people standing in front with a fake smile on their face..a crowd of people actually..he is seeing people like this all day long..& probably he is gonna see them from now on..he never was in fond of he is gonna hate it more..

They were right now in the conference room of jeon corporation..his father was talking to other people...all of them already knew about jungkook taking over on jeon corporation..they came to congratulate him.

But all this seems meaningless to a sensei,he always been quite a good observer..people here..only a few came to congratulate him wholeheartedly..others are here,others are like 'running dog'..lick your feet because you can be useful to them..his uncle doesn't seem happy..& jungkook doesn't care about that at all...

His father is happy..he has a bright smile on his face..that's all jungkook is concerned about right now...his father is proudly introducing him to others..

Jungkook looks at his phone..tae didn't call him or texted him from this morning. He couldn't either..this crowd isn't giving him a moment to breathe..he can't even sent a text to his tae..he is relieved about niana though..she is in her grandma's home...shw will be more than alright there...all he is worrying now how his tae is gonna react..he probably knew it already,right??

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