chapter 139

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"Babe...i was dying to hold you like this...your embrace can heel me...all i needed was you.....all i need is you in my embrace...."

Tae smiles hearing that...he pats behind jungkook.

I missed you too gukkie....agh! What have you done to yourself?? Did you even eat anything?? Are you a 'pabo'?? Health comes first,silly...

Sorry...jungkook murmurs holding tae in his arms.

I brought food for you...& i am not accepting 'no' as an are gonna eat it in front of me...

Yes your Highness...jungkook cooked something for me??

Yup! Jin hyung helped though....

Agh! I am definitely gonna eat it! I can't possibly miss that babe...agh! I can already feel it how delicious it will taste...jungkook says smiling.

Then should i serve?? Tae asks.

Later...first...sit here...jungkook says making tae sit on the couch....he lies on the couch putting his head on tae's lap...then close his eyes...

Ah! I badly needed this..he sighs.

Tae smiles ruffling his hair...

You didn't even lie here before to rest,did you?? Tae asks.

I did..not for long though...& couldn't sleep..

How many days you didn't sleep? Tae asks.

You are not gonna scold...right? Jungkook asks.

Can't promise that...tae replies.


Answer gukkie...tae replies.

Umm...three days i guess...jungkook replies scaredly....

Are you kidding me guk??? You didn't sleep for last three days? When you told me you are taking your care? Tae says in disbelief..

Aish! Don't scold me babe...jungkook whines...besides,my employees are working hard too...i think i am doing less work than them...

You are overworking yourself guk...tae says softly.....can't you take a break??

I would love to babe...i really will...but things are very complicated here...

How? Tae asks.

Jungkook sighs..

Everything is messy in this company..i can't even think now how it's still running till built this company with his hard work...but people here,except few...they were never attached to it...everyone did everything for their own selfish desire..nothing for this company...

Tae was listening silently...

They just blundered everything,i meant every records...there's something files are will understand a project if you see it's basic...right?? The basic evidence records are data..samples...technical methods...sample records...i couldn't even find the real dates....just think how messier it could be...jungkook says closing his eyes.

You didn't take any action?? Tae asks...he was fuming in anger right now....

I did...fired people on lawsuit..charged them...cases are going on...but still...what shouldn't have damaged,already had....jungkook we have to do the work from the very beginning if ww want to complete this project before due time...

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