chapter 59

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Yoongi asks confusedly looking at jin who was looking at him without blinking frowning his eyes & resting his face on his hand....all the brothers were now sitting in living room. Yoongi was doing something,but he felt some piercing glare at he finally look back....

Why are you giving me that look hyung??

Jin finally rises his head....

Are you dating someone yoongi??

Jin asks suspiciously...Namjoon tries hard to control his laughter..jimin chokes on his hot cocoa..

Me?? Yoongi stammers....

Tae looks at jin confusedly...he didn't tell them they know something about Minnie & hyung??

Yeah...are you dating someone?? My friend said he saw you kissing a girl near your studio..are you hiding something from us??

Omg omg omg!!! They know!! They definitely know....hyung is using the same trick i used on him before...tae internally faceplam himself....

Jimin widen his eyes..& looks at yoongi in disbelief...what?? looks at jimin panicking...then looks at jin...your friend got it wrong hyung..i didn't do anything..that's not me... friend know you very well..he said it was guys were kissing & making out..

Jimin's tears was ready to fall down...yoongi panicks more...

No hyung..i swear that was not me..i am not seeing any girl....

I...i have something important to guys carry on...jimin says standing up...he was controlling not to break down in front of others..

Yoongi panicks more..he suddenly stands up & holds jimin's hand...then he looks at others...

I didn't kiss any girls..i don't even like any girl...i love Minnie...& him only...

Hobi splash water all over him...jin sighs...then stands up...he walks closer to yoongi....then slaps on his head...


I already know that idiot! Jin says looking at him...

You know?!! Yoongi asks widening his eyes..jimin keeps looking down in guiltiness..

Yeah...joonie figured it out somehow...

Are you angry at us?? Jimin asks looking down...

Jin walks closer to him...then grabs his face to make him look at him...

Yeah..i am angry..

Jimin feels crying hard...

I am angry at myself that i couldn't figure out my child's feelings.he had to hide it & had to suffer thinking what others will think. I am not a good parent...

Jimin looks at him immediately....then hugs him tightly....'s not your's my fault..i thought you will be hurt if we tell this to you..jimin says with foaming tears in his eyes...

Why i will be hurt?? Look at me....jin says....look how happy i kiddos..they are together...nothing more can bring happiness to me as i am right know i love you,right?? I will support my kid in their every decision..or what kinda parent am i?? I am confident in my kiddos upbringing .they can't do anything wrong..& my Minnie is an angel...& you...devil....jin says looking at yoongi....come here...

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