chapter 74

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Come on in..

Younghoon replies smiling softly...

Tae and jimin enters holding their pillow..

Can we sleep beside you?? My bed feels itchy today..see i got rash from it...tae says pointing at his invisible rashes..

& yoongi hyung keeps taking all the blanket for himself...jimin says his excuse too..

Yeah..i understand...i don't want to be alone tonight hop in...younghoon smiles...

Jimin & tae sits on the bed...

Oh..i didn't introduce myself met taetae before...i am jimin..i am a few years older than taetae..i have heard a lot about you from taetae..i am glad we met at last hyung...

I am glad to meet you too..

& you...jimin looks at him hyung from now on..jimin slaps on tae's head...

Ouch!!!....sorry hoonie hyung...


Younghoon suddenly remembers of his father..his eyes foams in tears again...

Jimin slaps on tae's head again...

You made hyung cry!!!

I..i am sorry hyung...i didn't take your permission..can i call you that??

Younghoon looks at him..then pats softly on his head... me that one..i will love it... do wanna hear a story about hobi hyung..a funny story of him in his childhood???

Tae says excitedly...

Taeatae...don't tell that story..hobi hyung will kill you if he knows...

Dude...he won't..he already owe me a lot for making me eat all those pizzas....tae replies...

What does pizza has to do anything with this...jimin says confusedly looking at tae...

Ask hoonie hyung...tae smiles looking at younghoon...he is the one who brought all those pizzas....

Oh my god..!! Seriously!!!! This was happening for so long & i didn't even know anything!!! Jimin says whining looking ar at them both...

Younghoon tries to smile a little bit...

I will take care of you later brat...jimin says frowning his eyes at tae...

Yeah yeah...let's continue that story....

Tae jimin & younghoon passes few times while talking to each other...
Hobi stands before younghoon's room door for sometimes silently..he wants to check on younghoon if he is alright or not....then he peeks inside opening it...he never thought he will see this beautiful sight in front of him...

Younghoon was sleeping in the middle..tae was sleeping on the left side...he was holding younghoon while sleeping...jimin was sleeping on the other side putting his hand on tae's hand...they were just sleeping like kids...younghoon seems sleeping peacefully...

Hobi sighs in relief...

They made sure that he doesn't stay alone...hobi murmurs..

They were not covered properly with the blanket..hobi walks towards them...then holds the blanket & starts covering them properly...


Hobi gets startled & looks at younghoon...

Younghoon was looking at him...

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