chapter 86

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4days later

Can't you stop wasting your time on that useless school & join jeon corporation??

Jungkook grinds his teeth to control his anger hearing his father saying this on the other side of phone...

I told you many times that i am not joining there..i thought i made it clear last time...Jungkook replies coldly...

Why can't you ever listen to your father?? Our rivals,they are becoming more powerful day by day in this industry..because they are working all together...but son...he doesn't even want to help his father.. Don't you feel pity on me?? I am your father for god sake...what will that school bring for you?? You are the only heir of jeon corporation..can't you understand what you are missing?? You are the crown prince. This whole empire is for you. That school..what is so special about it??'s just a piece of trash...i can buy that school if i can keep it for you..but just join in as a CEO in jeon corporation...

You can't buy this school...jungkook replies..


You can't buy it because 'kims' are already donating in this school as much as you can't even think..they won't let you buy it even if you want...jungkook says emotionlessly..

& you are telling me with that tone?? Can't you still realize we have to work together to defeat them??

I am not in a war with them...they are not my rivals or something...they are i don't see the point here why i should work with told me in the hospital that you are ashamed of me..then why do you need me now?? Aren't you ashamed of me anymore?? talked about kims...don't tell me you are doing this because they hurt your pride...& now you are thinking of to use me...jungkook says calmly...

Are you stupid?? Can't you understand what am i trying to say?? If you join jeon corporation,together we can be more powerful..higher than one can stop us if you help me here..

I don't want to be powerful..i am happy with the way i am right now..i like a simple life..not a life like you..& obviously i don't want to be like you..i don't want my son to yearn for his father i did in my childhood...jungkook says in a low voice..


Jungkook's father says in a guilty voice..

I have a class now..i will be hanging up now..

Jungkook...listen to me...jungk~~~

Jungkook hangs up before his father completed his words...

He keeps looking at his phone for some times..he feels a strong ache spreading in his head..he didn't have proper breakfast this morning..his car broke on the his father's call..everything is going wrong today..only good thing that happened today is seeing tae's face after coming here...seeing his calmed all his mood..but now...after talking to his's becoming worse again..his headache is becoming worse & it's kinda spinning right now...all he wants to see tae right now..he knows only tae can heal it...he needs to talk to tae...

Jungkook grabs his phone & send a text...


Babe...are you busy right now? Your class is over...right??

Jungkook waits for some moments..finally looks at his phone when a notification pops up.


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