chapter 179

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Tae can hear a heartbeat slowly keeps going... He can feel the body heat around has a warm feeling.. Like when someone eats candyfloss,it melts right away.. But the taste still lingers on tongue.. Slow... Sweet... So sweet...

This kind of body heat, warmth makes you feel like holding the other one more closer to your heart, so you can keep hearing those beautiful heart beats...

Tae slowly opens his eyes, then looks at the person... Still snoring softly in his sleep...his nose puffs a little when he takes deep breathes... Lips a little open..

Tae carefully raise his hand to reach those lips with his fingertips not breaking his sleep...

Yesterday this person came back home late at night.. Work is like hovering over him.. Tae decided not to go home... After lying niana on her bed & coming to their bedroom, he couldn't keep the track of time & fallen asleep unknowingly...

This person came home late at night...went checking on their daughter... Kissed her forehead, what he always does... Then walked in their bedroom carefully, so tae doesn't wake up...

He freshened up & silently lied beside tae, pulling him closer...he fallen asleep quickly because the day was more tiring than he thought it would be..

In the midnight when tae woke up... He heard this man saying " i love you" in his sleep... If tae could name one most beautiful moment in his life, he would name this moment to hear his man whispering his love in his deep sleep...

He leans a little closer, buried his ear on "his man's" chest to hear the calm rhythm of his heartbeat.. Tae smiles closing his eyes...

" because just now he realized, he fell in love again.. Over n over again... "

Now when i am thinking.... Tae murmurs looking at jungkook's sleeping face...

"I wasn't even looking when i found you.. Now when i found you, nothing else makes sense anymore"

Tae puts his hand on jungkook's chest... Jungkook pulls tae more closer, in his sleep...

Tae keeps looking at him..

Your heart is so brave hyungiee... Tae mumbles.... You know you will be the loneliest one... Everyone will be sad, but they will have someone beside them.. You will have no one... When you will return home at night, you will have no one to warm you, you will have no one to mumble " i love you" in your sleep, embracing someone...

& you just don't want anyone, you want me... Still you are letting me go....what will happen when you feel lonely? You are even letting ninin to go with me? Won't this house feel empty to return? I can't even stop you, you are doing all this for me... You are being brave for me....

Tae sighs...

Don't always be brave hyungiee... Sometimes be a little coward... & cling to me... Pull me in your embrace.... & never let me go.....

If i could tell you that.... If you would only think about yourself once.... You will see you are the only one will be left alone in this large house... I am scared for you.... Will you take care of yourself?

Tae reach of jungkook's nose with his finger tips....

" leaving you alone, scares me jungkook" tae murmurs..


Tae's word's gets stucked, when the door slowly opens.... His daughter enters their room, rubbing her eyes & holding on the bunny plushie in her hand, which ear right now swiping on the floor...

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